Below is a short list of online treatises in the ASU libraries’ collection related to the legal issues of sexuality. You can search for other resources in the ASU catalog by using subject headings such as: Sex Discrimination and Employment - Law and Legislation ; Gender Identity – Law and Legislation; and Gay Rights – United States. Note that on the left side of the screen you can limit to “full text online” or “law library” (for our print treatises.)
ASU subscribes to many non-law databases that contain content related to sexuality and the law. Below is a select list of databases. You can search all disciplines at once through Google Scholar.
Alt-Press Watch
Alt-Press Watch is a full-text database of alternative newspapers, magazines, and journals, 1970 to present.
Criminal Justice Abstracts
Criminal Justice Abstracts includes the full text of major journals in criminology and also provides access to books and reports from government and nongovernmental agencies, 1968 to present.
Family Studies Abstracts
Family Studies Abstracts has articles covering areas related to family studies, including marriage, divorce, family therapy, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Opposing Viewpoints in Context is a full-text database of materials supporting differing points of view on current social issues. The materials include viewpoint articles, government statistics, biographies of social activities, newspaper, magazine, and journal articles, etc.
PAIS Index
PAIS Index provides access to articles and books on political, economic, and social issues in current debate, 1972 to present
PsychINFO is a database of literature in psychology and related disciplines, 1887 to present.
Sociological Abstracts
Sociological Abstracts provides access to works covering theoretical and applied sociology, social science, and policy science, including gender studies, family studies, and social psychology, 1980 to present.
Women and Social Movements, International
This is an online archive of primary sources focusing on women’s international activism, 1840 to present.
Women’s Studies International
This database will lead you to scholarship in feminist research, including journal and newspaper articles, books, reports, etc., 1972 to present
American Civil Liberties Union:
Blogs, FAQs, and other materials concerning the ACLU's mission to secure equal rights for LGBT relationships, including full implementation of the Supreme Court's 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision.
Gender & Sexuality Law Blog
Columbia Law School's introduction to researchers in the Center for Gender & Sexuality Law, as well as featured arguments on LGBT rights, religious freedom, and related issues.
Lambda Legal’s blog
News and commentary on developments such as legal recognition of transgender and intersex identities and threats to legal recognition of LGBT relationships.
Pew Research Center: Gay Marriage and Homosexuality
Recent and archival statistical information on legal and social recognition of LGBT relationships in the United States and worldwide.
Westlaw Topical Highlights: Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Law
Recent court cases concerning LGBT rights and discrimination.