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Below is a short list of treatises in the Law Library collection related to domestic violence.  You can search for other books in the library catalog by using subject headings such as: Family Violence, Domestic Relations, and Wife Abuse.

Responding to Domestic Violence: The Integration of Criminal Justice and Human Services (2012)
Responding to Domestic Violence focuses on modern responses to domestic violence by the criminal justice system, social services, and health care agencies.  The book addresses many topics related to domestic violence including barriers to intervention, arrest practices, agency responses, legislation, case prosecution, and judicial intervention.

A Troubled Marriage: Domestic Violence and the Legal System (2012)
A Troubled Marriage: Domestic Violence and the Legal System examines the legal response to domestic violence and presents arguments for public policy change.

Domestic Violence and International Law (2010)
Domestic Violence and International Law provides a historical overview of international law concerning violence against women, presents the current state of the law, and argues that states have a human rights-based obligation to protect individuals from domestic violence.

Interdisciplinary Databases

Contemporary Women’s Issues
Contemporary Women’s Issues contains the full-text of domestic and international journal articles, newsletters, and research reports dealing with women’s issues.  Coverage is from 1992 to the present.

Criminal Justice Abstracts
Criminal Justice Abstracts indexes journal articles dealing with criminal justice and related disciplines and contains the full text of selected resources.  Coverage is from 1968 to the present.  

Family Studies Abstracts
Family Studies Abstracts indexes journal articles related to family studies including marriage, divorce, and family therapy.

PAIS International
PAIS International is an index to articles and government and nongovernmental reports dealing with public and social policy.   Coverage is from 1972 to the present.

PsycINFO indexes journal articles and books in psychology and related disciplines. Coverage is from 1887 to the present.

Sociological Abstracts
Sociological Abstracts indexes journal articles related to theoretical and applied sociology, social science, and policy science.  Coverage is from 1963 to the present.

Social Services Abstracts
This database covers current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas.  It contains abstracts of journal articles, dissertations, and citations to book reviews. Coverage is from 1980 to the present.

Women’s Studies International
Women’s Studies International indexes international journals and books dealing with political, social, and cultural women’s issues.   Coverage is from 1972 to the present

Web Resources & Current Awareness

Battered Women's Justice Project
Provides access to articles and guidebooks geared toward practitioners, information on how the military handles domestic violence cases, and links to handbooks, statistics, and programs recommended by the Project.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service
The National Criminal Justice Reference Service, part of the Department of Justice, provides access to justice and drug-related reports and statistics prepared by federal government agencies. 

U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics
The Bureau of Justice Statistics collects and publishes information and statistics on all aspects of crime and the operation of justice systems. 

Law Reviews and Journals

Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice available on HeinOnline and on Westlaw
Law journal considering the intersections of feminism with other "axis of subordination" including race and socioeconomic status.

Harvard Journal of Law and Gender – available on HeinOnline and on Westlaw
Law journal concerned with intersectional feminism and challenges to full equality for people in various categories including race, class, nationality, and ability.

Hastings Women’s Law Journal – available on HeinOnline and on Westlaw
Scholarship and commentary from professors and students on issues involving all women, with a view toward under-represented populations.

Journal of Interpersonal Violence 
Scientific research and analysis concerning the perpetrators and survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse. 

Violence Against Women 
Peer-reviewed journal including research on topics including domestic violence, sexual abuse, female infanticide, female sexual mutilation, and sexual slavery.