Below is a short list of treatises related to bankruptcy law. You can search for other resources in the ASU catalog by using subject headings such as: Products liability–United States; Consumer protection–United States; and Torts–United States. Note that on the left side of the screen you can limit to “full text online” or “law library” (for our print treatises.)
American Law of Products Liability 3d (Westlaw password required)
This treatise, available on Westlaw, covers all aspects of products liability and includes primary sources, practice commentary, forms, checklists, and jury instructions.
Principles of Products Liability
This book provides a conceptual overview of products liability, as well in-depth doctrinal analysis of key topics such as construction/manufacturing defects, design defects, warning defects, causation, and damages.
Krauss’ Principles of Products Liability (West Academic password required)
This book, available through the West Academic Study Aids Subscription, offers a thorough introduction to products liability through summaries of theoretical positions as well as advice for practitioners.
Madden & Owen on Products Liability
Madden & Owen on Products Liability is a three-volume treatise which discusses the theories of liability for a products liability claim, as well as affirmative defenses, special types of defendants/transactions/products, and special litigation issues. This title is also available on Westlaw.
Restatement of the Law, Torts: Products Liability
The Restatement of the Law contains contributions from judges and legal scholars which help in understanding, interpreting, and applying the common law on torts concerning products liability. This title is also available on Westlaw and HeinOnline.
Westlaw (Westlaw password required)
Westlaw Products Liability Homepage
Westlaw has created a suite of information related to researching products liability, collecting most things you need into a single homepage: cases, regulations, secondary sources, forms, expert materials, and much more.
Westlaw 50-State Survey, Products Liability:
Westlaw will produce surveys of laws across multiple US jurisdictions with their 50-state surveys. You can search for products liability statutes and regulations and create a chart of the different laws across many states to compare them.
American Law of Products Liability 3d: Primary Sources:
This Westlaw database is part of the treatise American Law of Products Liability and includes relevant state and federal statutes, uniform laws, and Restatements.
Lexis (Lexis password required)
Lexis+ Product Liability Navigator
Product Liability Navigator provides you a single platform for deep research on products, on the potential value of your case, and on the experts needed to win. Dive deep into regulations, litigation and recalls with unmatched information and analytics on distinct product topics.
Lexis 50-State Surveys, Statutes & Regulations, Products Liability: This page links to state statutes relating to products liability.
VitalLaw (ASURITE access required off-campus)
CCH publishes a number of resources related to products liability, such as the Products Liability Reporter and the Consumer Product Safety Guide, which are available online. These resources contain primary sources and commentary.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
This federal agency’s website has injury statistics, technical reports, voluntary standards, Office of General Counsel advisory opinions, and mandatory standards and bans.
Cornell University's Legal Information Institute - Products Liability
CLII has created a summary guide to products liability in the United States, providing links to statutes and regulations. The site also provides the broad-strokes of products liability suits and the legal analysis used to determine fault.
Perkins Coie, A Manufacturer's Guide to Product Liability Law in the United States
The law firm Perkins Coie has produced a products liability guide since 1991 and offers the digital version free on their website.
ABA Directory – Products Liability Legal Blogs
The ABA has compiled an extensive list of blogs related to products liability.
ABA Section of Litigation, Products Liability News and Developments
The ABA Section of Litigation publishes news articles on products liability developments on this website.
Bloomberg Law: Product Liability & Toxics Law News
Bloomberg collects legal news related to product liability and toxics law, which is searchable and curated by experts within the industry.
Law Journal Newsletter, Product Liability Law & Strategy
This newsletter for products liability practitioners contains practice tips, case notes, and articles.
Liability for Products, New York Times
This New York Times webpage contains products liability news published in The Times.
Practitioner Insights for Products Liability
This Westlaw newsletter contains products liability news from a variety of sources.
Product Liability Monitor
The Product Liability Monitor is a blog by the Product Liability group of Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP.