ASU has a number of online and print treatises on the topic of employment discrimination. You can search for them in the ASU catalog by using subject headings such as Civil Rights- United States or Political Rights – United States. You can limit your results to e-books by clicking “Full Text Online” on the right and to the Law Library’s print collection by clicking “Law Library.” Print books available in other ASU libraries may be requested and delivered to you at the Law Library.
You can find a number of civil rights law treatises on Westlaw and Lexis.
Blogs of the ACLU
News, commentary, and podcasts on civil rights issues including equal treatment, discrimination, and freedom of speech.
Civil rights news from The Hill
Commentary on issues such as discrimination, equality, gun control, and government surveillance.
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review
Research and commentary from professors and Harvard Law students on equality and discrimination.
The databases below are available on-campus and off-campus with your ASURITE.
Alt-Press Watch
This database has full text articles from independent newspapers, magazines, and journals of the alternative press.
America: History and Life with Full Text
This database provides access to articles and books on the history and culture of the United States.
American History in Video
This is an online collection of documentaries and newsreel footage of key historical events in the United States from sources such as PBS, A&E, and The History Channel.
Black Studies Center
Black Studies Center has full-text scholarly essays, recent periodicals, and historical newspaper articles.
Chicano Database
This database covers articles, books, and newspaper articles on the Mexican American and Chicano experience.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar allows searching of multidisciplinary scholarly literature including articles, papers, these, books, abstracts, and technical reports from a wide variety of resources such as journals, repositories, and the web.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Opposing Viewpoints in Context provides materials supporting different points of view on current social issues.
Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse
This project, by the University of Michigan Law School, brings together documents from important civil rights cases, organized by category such as disability rights and equal employment.
Civil Rights History Project, Library of Congress
This online collection has several hundred items, including video interviews of civil rights activists.
Television News of the Civil Rights Era 1950-1970
From the University of Virginia, this resource includes films, primary documents, reflective essays, and teaching tips.
United States Commission on Human Rights
The U.S. Commission on Human Rights was created by the Civil Rights Act in 1957 as an independent, fact-finding federal agency. Their web site has their reports, correspondence, Congressional testimony, and press releases. The Thurgood Marshall Law Library has an online historical collection of their documents.
U.S. Supreme Court Research Guide
This research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library will lead you to opinions, dockets, briefs, petitions, and oral arguments of U.S. Supreme Court cases.