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Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law (COL) Students
Choosing a Paper Topic Research Guide
This research guide from the Ross-Blakley Law Library is designed for students who are writing a substantive legal research paper and are looking for guidance on how to begin. The guide details sources for help in selecting a paper topic and offers insight in how to check whether your paper will add new information to the field of law.
Conducting a Preemption Check Research Guide
This research guide details the recommended steps for conducting a preemption check, as well as provides information on and links to a variety of resources for conducting a thorough check.
For tracking legislation in Arizona, please refer to the Arizona Law: Arizona Legislature LibGuide
For Arizona municipal law (including county codes), please refer to our Arizona Law: Arizona Municipal Law LibGuide
For local taxes, please refer to our State and Local Tax Law LibGuide
ASU Libraries (Main Campus) has a useful guide to Arizona State and Local Government Information
City of Phoenix Open Data Portal - Finance (Current)
The City of Phoenix provides numerous open datasets that can be exported to MS Excel or .CSV formats for a user to draw conclusions. The City of Tempe has a similar portal.
State & Local Finance Data Query System (1977-2017)
This is an interactive data set hosted by the Urban Institute. These data come largely from the US Census Bureau’s Census of Governments and Annual Survey of State and Local Government Finances; additional data are from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The Government Finance Database, United States (1967-2015)
This is a dataset produced by ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) and offers a single, coherent resource that contains all of the census data from 1967 through 2015. Instead of presenting numbers, this allows the user to search and interact with the data using easy to understand natural-language variable names.
Truth in Accounting's Data-Z
Truth in Accounting produces analyses of state and municipal government finances. "Our proprietary methodology analyzes government financial reports to develop a comprehensive, concise view of state and municipal finances, including all assets as well as pension and retirement health obligations not completely disclosed in financial reports."
JSTOR is a full-text archive of over 1,000 academic journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
Lexis: Tax Law (Lexis password required.)
Lexis provides a central location for tax materials including statutes, regulations, and cases. In addition to these primary resources, Lexis provides the full text of Matthew Bender treatises.
Periodicals Archive Online, ProQuest (1770-1995)
Full text archive of hundreds of periodicals in the humanities and social sciences from their first issues to 1995 Allows date-limited searching.
Westlaw Tax Practice Center (Westlaw password required.)
Westlaw provides a central location for tax materials including statutes, regulations, and cases. In addition to these primary resources, Westlaw provides the full text of treatises.