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Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law (COL) Students
Bloomberg Law (Bloomberg Law password required.)
Bloomberg Law - In-Focus: Biometrics
A homepage for legal information related to biometrics, with analysis and links to key topics and regional news from around the world.
Bloomberg Law – Privacy & Data Security Practice Center
Featuring primary law, practical guidance, legal analysis, and litigation resources.
Bloomberg Law – Privacy & Data Security News
Developments on data and privacy protection at businesses and institutions nationwide, with analysis and links to key topics and regional news from around the world.
Lexis – Law360 – Cybersecurity & Privacy News (Lexis password required.)
Cybersecurity news from around the nation with expert analysis and opinion pieces.
Lexis – Data Privacy & Cyberlaw Practice Center (Lexis password required.)
Featuring primary law, forms for practitioners, and news & analysis.
Westlaw Data Privacy Center (Westlaw password required.)
Featuring primary law, commentaries, tips for practitioners, and news & analysis.
Computer Law: A Guide to Cyberlaw and Data Privacy Law (Lexis password required.)
A Matthew Bender treatise that provides coverage of US and international privacy and data protection, electronic discovery, electronic evidence, and US and international software protection.
Modern Privacy & Surveillance Law (Lexis password required.)
Privacy Law and The USA PATRIOT Act is the first major treatise on the Act, emphasizing the practical implications, burdens, and options for organizations and individuals cooperating with and subject to government evolving reporting requirements, information requests, and surveillance.
Privacy Law Fundamentals (Bloomberg Law password required.)
Privacy Law Fundamentals is an authoritative and accessible reference for privacy practitioners looking for quick, accurately distilled, and current content from two of the most preeminent scholars in the field.
Rights of Publicity & Privacy (Westlaw password required.)
The Rights of Publicity and Privacy focuses on the important and evolving field of publicity and privacy rights, whether based on state, common, federal, or foreign law.
ASU has a number of online and print treatises on the topic of privacy, big data, and emerging technologies. You can search for them in the ASU catalog by using subject headings such as Privacy, right of; Electronic surveillance; and Data protection. You can limit your results to e-books by clicking “Full Text Online” on the right. Print books available in other ASU libraries may be requested and delivered to you at the law library.
Cybersecurity and Privacy Law in a Nutshell (2019)
This short study aid briefly reviews the historical roots of privacy and then examines each of these U.S. privacy statutes and regulations. Also available on West Academic (password required).
Crypto Wars: The Fight for Privacy in the Digital Age: A Political History of Digital Encryption (2021)
ProQuest eBook (ASURITE required for off-campus access)
This book is a history of the "Crypto Wars" and provides an overview of how digital privacy activists and the US government have engaged in a tug-of-war over the surveillance of citizens.
Data Privacy and GDPR Handbook (2020)
The Data Privacy and GDPR Handbook helps organizations strictly adhere to data privacy laws in the EU, the USA, and governments around the world. This authoritative and comprehensive guide includes the history and foundation of data privacy, the framework for ensuring data privacy across major global jurisdictions, a detailed framework for complying with the GDPR, and perspectives on the future of data collection and privacy practices.
Privacy and the News Media (2020)
ProQuest eBook (ASURITE required for off-campus access)
This Taylor and Francis Group addresses the interplay between the right to free expression (and what that means to a free press) and the right to privacy.
Congressional Research Service Reports
The Congressional Research Service conducts research for Congress on a broad range of issues. Their reports are arranged by subject area here. Examples of relevant CRS reports include: Data Flows, Online Privacy, and Trade Policy (March 2020) and U.S.-EU Data Privacy: From Safe Harbor to Privacy Shield (May 2019).
NSA Report: Liberty and Security in a Changing World / The President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies (2014)
Analysis and recommendations for balancing the necessities of national security against privacy and civil liberties for U.S. citizens and foreign nationals.
Congressional Hearings
Hearings from House and Senate committees are available on the following web sites:
Directory of Privacy Law Blogs
Maintained by the ABA Journal, these blogs touch on issues including national security, social media, blogging, and copyright.
Federal Trade Commission’s Privacy and Security
Information divided by the following topics: children’s privacy, consumer privacy, credit reporting, data security, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Red Flags Rule, and the U.S.-E.U. Safe Harbor Framework.
Google Scholar
Search for articles from a variety of academic sources touching on all aspects of privacy and data security law.
National Conference of State Legislatures – Privacy and Security
Includes databases of state cybersecurity legislation and social media privacy laws.
Science Direct
An index to journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and more than 11,000 books on scientific, medical, and technical topics.
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - Health Information Privacy page
Information about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act.
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties
Information about the Privacy Act of 1974 and the E-Government Act of 2002.