Bloomberg Law News (Bloomberg login required)
Bloomberg Law News combines news, case law, legal analysis, primary sources, and practice tools in a specific area of law in one site. There are a number of Bloomberg resources with content related to corporations:
Lexis – Law360 – Corporate News (Lexis login credentials required)
Law360 is the legal news subdivision of LexisNexis and has a section on corporate news.
Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation
The Forum is co-sponsored by the Harvard Law School Program on Corporate Governance, the Program on Institutional Investors, and the Program on Law and Finance. It is frequently updated and provides authoritative commentary about corporate governance written by Harvard Law faculty, Program fellows, and guest contributors.
American Bar Association, Business Law Section News
The Business Law Section of the American Bar Association collects business law news on its website, as well as provides access to the Sections’ online publication Business Law Today.
Below is a short list of treatises in the Law Library collection related to corporate governance. You can search for other books in the library catalog by using subject headings such as Corporate Governance – Law and Legislation – United States. Additionally, treatises are available in the online research centers listed above.
Principles of Corporate Governance: Analysis and Recommendations (available through HeinOnline)
This American Law Institute publication provides a comprehensive evaluation of corporate law and covers subjects including corporate objectives, corporate structure, the duty of care and the business judgment rule, the duty of fair dealing, the role of directors and shareholders, and corporate remedies.
Model Business Corporation Act Annotated: Model Business Corporation Act with Official Comment and Reporter’s Annotations on Bloomberg Law (also available in print in the law library)
The American Bar Association’s Committee on Corporate Laws adopts amendments to and provides expert commentary on the Model Business Corporation Act. The committee's website includes additional information on the Act and the committee’s revisions of and comments to it.
ASU subscribes to many non-law databases that contain content related to corporate governance. Check out the list of business databases.
ABI/INFORM Collection
This comprehensive business database includes articles from thousands of publications covering business, management, and related areas as well as case studies, annual reports, country reports, industry reports, commodity reports, conference papers, and dissertations.
Business Insights: Global
Business Insights: Global indexes trade journals & regional business newspapers. Resources available include company profiles, SWOT analyses, industry reports, and investment reports.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar allows searching of multidisciplinary scholarly literature including articles, papers, these, books, abstracts, and technical reports from a wide variety of resources such as journals, professional societies, preprint repositories, and the web.
SSRN Corporate Governance Network
SSRN provides access to scholarly working papers related to corporate governance through its Corporate Governance Network.
These online resources provide a combination of primary law and secondary resources dealing with corporate governance.
Bloomberg Law’s Corporate Practice Center (Bloomberg login required)
This Bloomberg Law Practice Center has state and federal statutes, the Model Business Corporation Act Annotated, numerous treatises, legal news reports, and more. (Bloomberg login required)
Lexis Practice Pages (Lexis login required)
Lexis has subject-specific practice pages that allow access to primary and secondary sources:
Westlaw’s Corporate Governance Resources (Westlaw login required)
Westlaw’s resources include federal and state statutes, regulations, and administrative decisions, as well as numerous treatises, and newsletters.