HeinOnline has gathered articles involving torts into a searchable subject database: Torts.
Business Torts Reporter
The Business Torts Reporter is a monthly publication that offers analysis of cases and other developments in business torts. The Reporter is available on Westlaw (2006-present).
Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal
This quarterly journal published by the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section contains analysis and insight into issues related tort and insurance law. It is available on HeinOnline (1966-present) and Westlaw (select coverage 1982-present).
ABA TortSource
TortSource is a quarterly ABA publication that highlights topical tort law issues and includes legislative updates, examines recent cases, and provides practice tips. It is available on HeinOnline (1998-present), the ABA website (2000-present), and Westlaw (2009-present).
Westlaw Databases (Westlaw password required)
Torts and Personal Injury Texts and Treatises
See books on torts and personal injury topics, including handbooks, form books, and litigation guides
Multistate Tort Law Cases
This resource provides cases from the state courts of all 50 states and the District of Columbia that relate to civil actions for injuries intentionally or negligently caused to persons or property. Coverage varies by state.
Westlaw Practice Areas
Westlaw has gathered materials including secondary sources, case resolutions, and regulations on fields concerning tort law, including Products Liability and Medical Litigation.
Lexis Databases (Lexis password required)
Lexis: Torts
Lexis has gathered caselaw, statutes, secondary sources, and regulations involving torts into a searchable database.
Law School: Torts
Review the basics of tort law with this handy, well organized guide featuring outlines, major cases, and explanations of key topics.
Below is a short list of texts and treatises in the Law Library collection related to torts. You can search for other resources in the ASU catalog by using subject headings such as: Torts, Tort Liability of Corporations, and Libel and Slander.
The Burdens of All: A Social History of American Tort Law (Joseph A. Ranney, 2022)
The book describes the law's struggle to move from nineteenth-century individualism, which required accident victims to shift for themselves and protected corporations, to the view that accidents are an inevitable part of modern industrial society and must be paid for by society as a whole. Also, the book paints pictures of the judges and social reformers who have shaped tort law's course; the current struggle between individualism and socialization; and the historical struggle over the proper balance of power between judges and juries in tort cases.
Business Torts Litigation (2005)
Business Torts Litigation offers a concise review of issues in economic torts including breach of fiduciary duties, misrepresentation and fraud, interference with contractual and economic relationships, and employment torts. Each chapter provides an overview of the law and cites leading cases and treatises on the topic.
The Law of Torts (kept current through supplements)
This four-volume treatise provides comprehensive coverage and analysis of tort law. It covers economic torts in depth. The Law of Torts is also available on Westlaw.
Modern Tort Law: Liability and Litigation (kept current through supplements)
Modern Tort Law is a three-volume looseleaf set that covers the many aspects of tort law and explores the emerging areas within tort liability and litigation. Modern Tort Law is also available on Westlaw.
Sack on Defamation: Libel, Slander, and Related Problems (kept current through supplements)
Sack on Defamation is a two-volume set published by the Practicing Law Institute. It addresses all aspects of defamation and provides insight on how the law of defamation, invasion of privacy, and related torts are affected by the internet and other electronic media.
Torts in a Nutshell (Edward J. Kionka, 2020)
This resource goes beyond the usual first year torts curriculum to cover the most important tort topics for practitioners, including negligence, privacy, misinformation, defamation, and contract immunities. Also available on West Academic (login required).
Torts Prof Blog
The Torts Prof Blog, a member of the Law Professor Blog Network, is edited by two tort law professors. The blog is updated frequently and features tort-related news and commentary.
ABA Litigation Section, Business Torts
The website of the ABA Litigation Section, Business Torts provides links to news reports, articles, and recorded roundtables on business torts issues, as well as a Case Notes section which is organized by subject.
ABA Directory – Torts Blogs
The ABA has compiled an extensive list of blogs related to torts.
ABA Journal Law News – Torts
Links to news articles on tort law topics, compiled by the ABA Journal.
CALI Advanced Torts Lessons
CALI offers a number of online lessons on advanced torts topics including libel and slander, defamation, and false imprisonment. Information on how to access CALI is available on the Law Library’s webpage.