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Environmental Law and Sustainability

News Sources

ABA Journal: Environmental Law
The American Bar Association tracks environmental law developments in litigation, the academe, and from around the world.

Bloomberg Law: Environment & Energy Report (Bloomberg Law password required)
This Bloomberg news topic features the latest environment and energy developments with sections tracking particular environmental focal points, federal agencies, and federal courts.

E&E News
This news organization sponsored by Politico has reporters and editors dedicated to providing in-depth looks at developments and conflicts in U.S. law regarding energy, environment, and climate change.

The Environmental Law Reporter
This resource, with attorney editors, includes news on environmental law, updates on rulemaking, litigation, and lawmaking, as well as research tools. Back issues are available on HeinOnline (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE).

Law360: Environmental (Lexis password required)
This Lexis news product tracks developments in environmental law, including rulemaking, litigation, and industry news.

Science Daily: Environmental Policy News
This site features topical information curated from a variety of news and academic sources on environmental challenges, climate change, deforestation, and preservation of nature.

Westlaw: Environmental News (Westlaw password required)
Environmental News with Reuters contains news and information about the environment from newspapers, magazines, journals, newsletters, transcripts and wires.

Web Resources and Blogs is the official website of the federal legislature. It contains bills and resolutions, committee reports, the Congressional Record, Presidential nominations, treaties, and other related information including summaries and status of legislative acts. It also provides information about members of Congress, links to House and Senate committee pages, the United States Code, and other legislative resources. You can browse the website by subject. gathers statistics and reports on environment-related topics such as agriculture, climate, ecosystems, and oceans.

Energy Information Administration
The EIA provides energy data and analysis on a variety of topics, including international and domestic energy forecasts, environmental concerns, and financial matters.

Environmental Law Institute
This non-partisan organization seeks to "make law work for people, places, and the planet." It includes experts from academia, nonprofits, and private industries providing expert information on environmental law.

Environmental Law Prof Blog
This blog is a member of the Law Professor Blog network and provides academic commentary on developments in environmental regulation and litigation as well as broader policy concerns about environmental quality and sustainability.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Energy Resources for State, Local, and Tribal Governments
This EPA webpage provides environmental monitoring resources, data, and educational materials on efficiency, emissions, and renewable energy.

National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL): Environment and Natural Resources
NCSL is a bipartisan research organization serving legislators and staff of all 50 states. It provides research, technical assistance, and the ability for policymakers to exchange ideas. NCSL includes information on state programs and tracks state legislation through its State Energy and Environment and Natural Resources bill tracking databases.

Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
This program of Columbia Law School gathers information on climate change as well as environmental, energy, and natural resources law. It features secondary publications as well as databases on climate litigation and scientific research.

Student Resources

Environmental Law Society
ASU's Environmental Law Society hosts presentations by lawyers in environmental, energy, water, and related fields of law, as well as networking events, hikes, and field trips to facilities such as electricity generating plants.