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Environmental Law and Sustainability

Texts and Treatises

You can search for online and print treatises ASU Library catalog by using subject headings such as Energy & Utilities Law and Energy Policies. You can limit your results to e-books by clicking “Full Text Online” on the right. Print books available in other ASU libraries may be requested and delivered to you at the law library.

Advanced Introduction to Law and Renewable Energy (Joel B. Eisen, 2021)
This slim, sub-200 page volume introduces the reader to laws and policies affecting renewable energy, including policies to promote renewable energy development and use, utility regulation, and finance of renewable energy projects.

Energy Democracies for Sustainable Futures (Majia Nadesan, Martin J. Pasqualetti & Jennifer Keahy, eds., 2023, available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
This book, edited by ASU-affiliated academics, explores the relationships between energy and democracy, reviews how changing energy demand and governance threaten democracies and democratic institutions, identifies what participative energy transformations look like when paired with energy security, and reviews what happens to social, economic and political infrastructures in the process of achieving sustainable and democratic transitions.

Energy Justice: U.S. and International Perspectives (Raya Salter, Carmen Gonzalez, & Elizabeth Ann Kronk Warner, eds., 2018)
This volume examines a range of energy justice regulatory challenges from the perspective of international law, US law, and foreign domestic law. The book illuminates the theory of energy justice while emphasizing practical solutions that hasten the transition from fossil fuels and address the inequities that plague energy systems.

Energy Law (Alexandra B. Klass & Hannah J. Wiseman, 2020, available on campus or with an ASU West Academic account)
The book provides a broad yet detailed understanding of the major components of energy systems, energy infrastructure, and energy markets and the laws that guide their development. It covers all major energy policy sectors including oil and gas extraction, electricity regulation, renewable energy development, and regulation of vehicles and transportation fuels.

Energy Law: An Introduction (Raphael Heffrom, 2021)
The aim of this short text is to introduce readers to energy law. It is written for energy law students and students of other disciplines such as geographers, social scientists and engineers. The text aims to outline the principles and central logic behind energy law, while also highlighting issues of energy justice.

Energy Law in a Nutshell (Joseph P. Tomain, 2017, available on campus or with an ASU West Academic account)
This title addresses the component parts of the energy fuel cycle, as well as the market and government policies that oversee it. It describes in detail the country’s traditional energy policy and also discusses the current challenges that confront it. Chapters cover the individual natural resources used to produce energy, and the book concludes with the development of a clean energy policy for the future.

Following in Footsteps or Marching Alone?: How Institutional Differences Influence Renewable Energy Policy (Srinivas C. Parinandi, 2023, available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
The author explores how states have devised their own renewable-energy policies in light of the federal government's increasing inability to address major societal challenges. He also addresses how the political workings of legislatures and public utilities commissions have impacted state renewable-energy policy design.

Oil and Gas Law in a Nutshell (John S. Lowe, 2019)
This work summarizes the legal regimes surrounding transfers of oil and gas production rights along with taxation and contractual issues. It is also available on West Academic (available on campus or with an ASU West Academic account).

The Power of Energy Justice & the Social Contract (Raphael J. Heffrom and Louis de Fontenelle, 2024)
This open-access book focuses on the energy sector and argues that energy justice must be formalized in a new ‘social contract’ with all stakeholders in society. It argues for improving legal systems at local, national, and international levels while ensuring that justice is a core issue within energy law, the legal system, and society more broadly.

Renewable Energy: Law, Policy and Practice (Troy A. Rule, 2018)
This book, written by an ASU Law Professor, discusses the legal regimes governing and promoting energy strategies such as wind, geothermal, and solar, and covers related legal issues such as property law and tax incentives.

Renewable Energy Finance: Theory and Practice (Santosh Raikar & Seabron Adamson, 2020)
This book examines the shifting landscape of energy production and distribution, discusses how policymakers could employ methods of building public support for renewable energy, and discusses how to manage costs domestically and internationally.

Renewable Energy Law (Olivia Woolley, 2023)
The book introduces readers to the main legal frameworks shaping the rise of renewables at international, regional and national levels, including those which set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing renewable energy consumption.

Resilience in Energy, Infrastructure, and Natural Resources Law: Examining Legal Pathways for Sustainability in Times of Disruption (International Bar Association, 2022)
This book offers an analytical approach to developing legal responses that can help assure that needs of present and future generations can be met through energy systems, infrastructure development, and natural resources management in times of more frequent and intense disruption.

Routledge Handbook of Energy Communities and Smart Cities (Maciej M. Sokolowski, Anna Visvizi, 2023, available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
This Handbook examines the regulatory, social, financial, and technological issues pertaining to energy communities in smart cities.

Wind and Solar Energy Applications (Satish Kumar Peddapelli & Peter Virtic, eds., 2023, available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
This book examines the recent advances addressing the major issues associated with renewable energy systems. It covers important themes including solar energy equipment, wind energy systems, solar energy systems, energy storage and bioenergy applications, hybrid renewable energy systems, and energy-measurement techniques.

Relevant journals may be found in HeinOnline’s “Oil and Gas” collection and its “Environmental/Conservation Law” collection (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE).

Energy Law Journal
This publication from the Energy Bar Association includes commentary on all aspects of energy law and policy in the U.S. and abroad, from markets to regulations to environmental policy concerns. Also available on HeinOnline (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE).

George Washington Journal of Energy and Environmental Law
The Washington, D.C.-area law school’s journal features commentary on improving environmental and energy governance. Also available on HeinOnline (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE).

ONE J: Oil and Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Journal
This journal from the University of Oklahoma College of Law concerns energy production, distribution, use, transactions, regulations, and litigation. Also available on HeinOnline (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE). 

Solar Energy
A Phoenix-based journal dedicated to the latest in solar power technology. Click on “View journal contents (Browzine coverage)” for on-campus access or remote access with ASURITE.

Interdisciplinary Databases

Environment Complete (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
Environment Complete offers deep coverage in applicable areas of energy, renewable energy sources, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. 

GreenFILE (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
GreenFILE is a full-text database that provides access to scholarly, government and general-interest titles about sustainability and human impact on the environment. 

International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
The INIS is a reservoir of nuclear information for current and future generations that provides quality nuclear information services to Member States and assists with the development of a culture of information and knowledge sharing. It processes most of the world’s scientific and technical literature on a wide range of subjects from nuclear engineering, safeguards, and non-proliferation to applications in agriculture and health.

Office of Science and Technical Information
The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science and Technical Information provides a searchable database of data, technical reports, and commentary on the energy market and law.

This site provides raw data on topics such as energy costs and production levels.

Web Resources

Accenture Newsroom: Utilities
Accenture is technology firm, and this page is a compilation of commentary on utility regulation and energy advances.

Bloomberg Law News Environment & Energy Report (Bloomberg password required)
This Bloomberg Law News topic provides information about current issues in environment and energy law.

Energy Bar Association
Energy Bar Association (EBA) is an international, non-profit association of attorneys, energy professionals, and students active in all areas of energy law.

Law360: Energy (Lexis password required)
This webpage features news about the energy market in the U.S. and around the world.

LexBlog: Energy
This site features law blogs and commentary on energy policy and technology developments in the U.S. and worldwide.

VitalLaw Energy & Natural Resources Page (available on campus or with ASURITE credentials)
This Practice Area page in the VitalLaw database contains news stories about the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and provides access to FERC statutes, regulations, opinions, orders, and decisions.

Westlaw Energy News (Westlaw password required)
This news page features the most recent energy stories of the day, along with a searchable database of relevant articles.

U.S. Energy Information Administration: Arizona
This site provides statistical tracking of Arizona's energy profile, broken down by industry, along with information such as U.S. rankings on energy spending and carbon dioxide emissions. The main page includes nationwide data.

Arizona Corporation Commission: Utilities Division
The Arizona Corporation Commission oversees the electric power industry in Arizona. This site includes information on the electricity industry, including sites of state plants and state regulations governing energy production, distribution, and use.

Arizona Revised Statutes: Title 30 – Power
These statutes govern power generation, distribution, and sale in the sate.

Code of Federal Regulations: Title 10 - Energy
These federal regulations pertain to energy production, pricing, and other management.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
This government agency regulates the energy market, and its website provides legal resources such as court cases, statutes and regulations; market assessments; and information about particular energy industries.

Federal Register: Energy Department
This website features rulemaking-related documents and other files related to federal energy regulation, along with a list of all Energy Department subunits.

Lexis Practical Guidance (Lexis password required)
This Practical Guidance topic provides detailed practice notes, along with standard forms and clauses and checklists to guide transactional lawyers and litigators.