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Environmental Law and Sustainability

Texts and Treatises

You can search for online and print treatises ASU Library catalog by using subject headings such as Natural Resources and Mines and Mineral Resources. You can limit your results to e-books by clicking “Full Text Online” on the right. Print books available in other ASU libraries may be requested and delivered to you at the law library.

Governing Extractive Industries: Politics, History, Ideas (Anthony Bebbington et. al, 2018)
Examines the interactions between resource governance and politics, focusing on Bolivia, Ghana, Peru, and Zambia. 

Governing Renewable Natural Resources (Fiona Nunan, ed., 2020)
This anthology discusses methods of governing natural resource development, with a focus on agriculture, energy, and water. It also discusses movements dedicated to protesting the extraction of particular materials from nature.

Limits to Terrestrial Extraction (Robert E. Kirsch ed., 2020)
Critiques the waste of energy inherent in market society and explores the limits of resource extraction on Earth. 

Modern Public Land Law in a Nutshell (Robert L. Glicksman, 2019)
Discusses the authority different levels of government, from the state legislatures to the federal judiciary, exercise over public land. Analyzes the legal regimes governing water, minerals, grazing land, timberland, and wildlife. This title is also available on West Academic (available on campus or with West Academic account).

Public Natural Resources Law (George Cameron Coggins & Robert L. Glicksman, 2023)
This multivolume treatise offers a comprehensive look at public natural resources law, including constitutional frameworks, issues arising under tort and contract law, and federal land, mineral, and water resource development. This title is also available on Westlaw (Westlaw password required).

Structured Decision Making: Case Studies in Natural Resource Management (Michael Carl Runge, 2020)
Systematic use of the tools of decision analysis could improve natural resource management. This anthology introduces structured decision making, examines its shortcomings, and details particular resource management challenges, such as managing fish populations, fighting disease, and restoration of wetlands.

Sustainability and the Rights of Nature: An Introduction (Cameron La Follette & Chris Maser, 2017)
Discusses the emerging concept of the natural world’s legal rights to prevent overdevelopment and addresses challenges for incorporating such rights into present legal systems.

Wildlife as Property Owners (Karen Bradshaw, 2020)
Professor Karen Bradshaw advocates for including animals in the legal system of property ownership to address biodiversity loss and sustainability problems.

Wildfire Policy: Law and Economics Perspectives (Dean Lueck & Karen M. Bradshaw eds., 2012)
ASU Law Professor Karen M. Bradshaw contributed to this compilation of property, natural resource, and environmental law commentaries, discussing extralegal norms in wildfire suppression efforts and encouraging cooperation among public and private stakeholders.

HeinOnline includes dozens of journals dedicated to natural resources law and related fields (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE).

Colorado Environmental Law Journal
Commentary on natural resources issues including public lands and tribal treaty rights from the University of Colorado Law School.

Animal & Natural Resources Law Review
Focusing on animal welfare and related natural resources legal issues, from the Michigan State University College of Law.

Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law
The International Bar Association’s journal explores the tensions between serving demand for consumer electricity while preserving natural resources and the environment.

Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy
This journal published by the Taylor & Francis Group examines the legal regimes that threaten or protect transboundary wildlife, resources, and habitats.

Natural Resources & Environment
The American bar Association journal provides updates and commentary on contemporary natural resources law.

Natural Resources Journal
This journal from the University of New Mexico School of Law includes commentary on natural resources such as habitats and the legal regimes affecting them, including property, environmental, and transboundary regulation.

Government Regulations

Arizona Administrative Code: Title 11
Regulates mining in Arizona, including reclamation of historical mining sites, through the Office of State Mine Inspector.

Arizona Administrative Code: Title 12
Regulates mainly surface resources, but also includes some mineral resources, including oil and gas. Also concerns wildlife as well as water, and energy resources.

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Includes information on the environmental aspects on natural resource extraction and protection.

Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management
Provides news, as well as information on state forest management and wildfire suppression. Also oversees fire safety compliance in buildings.

Arizona Game and Fish Department
Manages hunting and fishing rights as well as wildlife preservation and outdoor recreation programs.

Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
Provides rules and regulations for energy-resource exploration as well as permits, forms, and information on meetings and existing oil wells.

Arizona Revised Statutes: Title 37 – Public Lands
These statutes govern use of public lands and urban development in Arizona.

Arizona State Land Department
More than 40 percent of Arizona’s land is government owned. The Arizona State Land Department oversees a portion of that in state trust to be distributed for purposes the state constitution indicates. Includes information on permits and pricing plans for various land uses and development activities. 

Arizona State Mine Inspector
Provides public notice of mining-related rulemaking as well as information concerning mine safety, the nature of the duty to inspect mines, and documents related to mining and land reclamation projects.

Code of Federal Regulations
Title 36 includes federal regulations concerning the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, monuments, historic preservation, and monuments. Title 30 concerns mineral resources, and Title 43 regulates public lands. Title 50 regulates wildlife and fisheries. Natural Resources
Provides information on conservation of natural resources and compliance with rules and regulations for federal facilities in managing resources such as wetlands and animal habitats.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Regulating ocean use, including fisheries regulations and permitting. Also assesses the damage to natural resources from events such as oil spills.

U.S. Bureau of Land Management: Arizona
Arizona contains more than 12 million acres of public land that the bureau manages. Its website includes information on recreation permits and prohibited activities.

U.S. Department of Agriculture: Natural Resource Conservation Service
Programs such as landscape planning and financial assistance for farmers’ sustainability efforts help protect soil, plants, wildlife, air, and other natural resources.

U.S. Department of the Interior: Office of Natural Resources Revenue
Manages natural resources offshore and on Indian lands and provides assistance to Indian tribes to help develop energy and other natural resources. This page presents national and state data in graphical forms.

U.S. Forest Service: Laws and Regulations
Title 16 of the United States Code concerns topics related to management of natural resources and land, including protection of timber, restoration, and international forestry. The Forest Service includes a page on ongoing litigation and appeals to review environmental decisions.

United States Code
Title 16 of the United States Code concerns parks, historic sites, and resource preservation. Title 30 concerns minerals and mining, and Title 43 concerns management of public lands.

Interdisciplinary Databases

CAB Abstracts Archive (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
Historical materials concerning topics such as forestry and natural resource conservation. 

Environment Complete (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
Scholarly commentary on topics including natural resource management and life sciences.

Oxford Bibliographies: Ecology (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
International expert materials on the role of life in nature and the economy.

Web Resources and Blogs

Bloomberg Law News (Bloomberg Law password required)
Gathers updates in a variety of topics, from general natural resource to specific areas such as mining and mineral rights.

International Institute for Environment and Development
Commentary on international aspects of topics related to natural resources management, such as forestry, wildlife, and mining, from an organization committed to fostering a “more sustainable world.”

Natural Resources Conservation Service
USDA discussions of topics including grazing land, soil, forestry, and water resources.

Natural Resource Governance Institute
Blog discussing extractive industries and other natural resource issues from an organization encouraging countries to develop their resources.

World Wildlife Fund
The organization dedicated to preservation of nature and wildlife presents commentary on issues such as forestry, sustainable commodities, and food sources.