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Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law (COL) Students
National Indian Gaming Commission - Tribal gaming ordinances
The National Indian Gaming Commission provides a listing of tribal gaming ordinances approved by the National Indian Gaming Commission Chair, as required by the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act for a tribe to open a gaming operation. Ordinances can be downloaded as PDF documents.
Ross-Blakley Law Library - Tribal Law
This guide provides information on how to find background on information on a tribe as well as research and access tribal constitutions, codes, and case law.
Ross-Blakley Law Library - Arizona Tribes
This guide provides information on how to research and access the constitutions, codes, and case law of tribes located in Arizona.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Indian Gaming
The Office of Indian Gaming develops federal policies and procedures regarding tribal/state gaming compacts. Its web site has the text of gaming compacts and the OIG’s decision letters.
National Indian Gaming Commission
The National Indian Gaming Commission is the federal agency created by the passage of IGRA to regulate Indian gaming. Its web site has the Commission’s regulations, final decisions, enforcement actions, and reports, as well as tribal gaming ordinances.
ASU subscribes to non-law databases that have content related to Indian gaming. Below is a select list of databases that are available on campus and remotely with ASURITE credentials – you can search for additional resources through the following database subject list: American Indian Studies.
ABI/INFORM Collection
This business database includes articles from thousands of English-language publications covering business, management, and other areas.
America: History and Life with Full Text
America: History and Life allows searching of journal articles and books on the history and culture of the United States and Canada.
American Indian Index
American Indian Index includes the unique material found in ASU Library's Labriola National American Indian Data Center, including historical information about gaming.
Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America
Provides access to journal articles and citations for books and government documents on the indigenous peoples of North America.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar allows searching of multidisciplinary scholarly literature including articles, papers, theses, books, abstracts, and technical reports from a wide variety of resources such as journals, repositories, and the web.
The Law Library and ASU Libraries own a number of treatises related to Indian gaming law, such as Indian Gaming Law and Policy (2014). You can search for other resources in the ASU Library catalog by using subject headings such as:
Indian Gaming Law and Policy (Katherine R. Rand & Stephen Andrew Light, 2014)
Indian Gaming Magazine
Indian Gaming Magazine is a monthly publication. Their web site provides access to the current issue and previous issues back to 2005.
From the news resource, the Law in Indian Country section provides up-to-date resources on legal matters including Indian gaming, as well as historical context. is a news aggregating source for Native American and gaming news.