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Indian Law


Below is a short list of treatises related to Alaska Native Peoples. You can search for other resources in the ASU Library catalog by using subject headings such as: Alaska Natives – Legal Status; Indians of North America – Alaska; and Indians of North America – Land Tenure – Alaska.

Alaska Natives and American Laws (David S. Case & David A. Voluck, 2012)
This book covers federal law and policy relating to the indigenous peoples of Alaska from 1867-2011. Available in print or online as an e-book.

Alaska Native Tribes, ANSCA Corporations, and Tribal Organizations (Linda Hays, 2019)
This book gives an overview of Alaska Native history and tribal organizations. It is available in print in the Law Library.

Breaking the Ice: From Land Claims to Tribal Sovereignty in the Arctic (Barry Scott Zellen, 2008)
This book is a study of native land claims and indigenous rights in Alaska and the Western Arctic. It is available in print in the Law Library.

Take My Land, Take My Life: The Story of Congress’s Historic Settlement of Alaska Native Land Claims, 1960-1971 (Donald Craig Mitchell, 2001)
This book gives the history of the U.S. government’s relations with Alaska Native peoples, culminating in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. It is available in print in the Law Library.

Tribal Sovereignty in Alaska: How it Happened, What It Means (Donald Craig Mitchell, 2022)
This book is a history of the Alaska Native tribal sovereignty movement. It is available in print in the Law Library.

Village Journey: The Report of the Alaska Native Review Commission (Thomas R. Berger, 1985)
This is a review of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. It is available in print in the Law Library.

Tribal Law

Indigenous Law Portal – Alaska
This portal leads you to the websites of Alaskan tribes and regional organizations.

Tribal Law Gateway
The National Indian Law Library provides this site that links to online tribal legal materials where available.

This Library of Congress site links to the constitutions of Alaska tribes.

Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act is codified at 43 U.S.C. §§1601 et seq and is available on Lexis (Lexis password required) and Westlaw (Westlaw password required).

Legislative history of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act and its amendments is available on HeinOnline (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE).

ANCSA Resource Center by the law firm of Landye Bennett Blumstein LLP has source documents and commentary relating to ANCSA.

Alaska State Constitution and Other State Materials

Constitution of the State of Alaska
Adopted by the Constitutional Convention on February 5, 1956. Ratified by the People of Alaska on April 24, 1956. Became Operative with the Formal Proclamation of Statehood on January 3, 1959.

Minutes of the Alaska Constitutional Convention 1955-1956 
This site has official transcripts of the Alaska Constitutional Convention, organized by day. It includes indexes to the materials.

The Alaska State Constitution: A Reference Guide (Gerald A. McBeath, 1997)
This book has a brief history of the Alaska state constitution and a section-by-section analysis. It is available in print in the Law Library.
State materials can be found on the Alaska state pages on Westlaw (Westlaw password required) and Lexis (Lexis password required).

Journals and News

American Indian Law Review (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
The American Indian Law Review serves as a nationwide scholarly forum for analysis of developments in legal issues pertaining to Native Americans and indigenous peoples worldwide. Adhering to the traditional law review format, the Review offers in-depth articles by legal scholars, attorneys and other expert observers. In addition, the Review offers comments and notes written by student members and editors on a wide variety of Indian law-related topics.

Alaska Law Review 
The Alaska Law Review is a scholarly publication that examines legal issues affecting the state of Alaska. It is composed of second and third-year law students from Duke University School of Law and governed by a faculty advisor committee.

Lexis - Alaska Legal News (Lexis password required)
This search leverages Lexis+'s expansive news service to find current awareness related to the state of Alaska.  Enter search terms into the provided prompt to make your search effective.

ASU Libraries Databases

America: History and Life with Full Text
This database contains full-text articles on the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistoric to the present time.

Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America
This database covers all aspects of native North American culture, history, and life. It contains more than 141,000 citations of multiple formats covering the U. S. and Canada, and dates of coverage include content from the 16th century to the present.