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Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law (COL) Students
Law Databases
Biology Databases
Google Scholar
Allows searching of multidisciplinary scholarly literature including articles, papers, theses, books, abstracts, and technical reports from a wide variety of resources such as journals, repositories, and the web. Many results are open source.
PubMed Central
PMC is a free, full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature from the National Institutes of Health.
Articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and more than 11,000 books on scientific, medical, and technical topics.
Scopus is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and web sources with tools to track, analyze, and visualize research. Scopus provides access to a broad portfolio of peer-reviewed content from around the world.
Law360 (available on campus or remotely with Lexis+ password)
Westlaw (Westlaw password required)
GenomeWeb is an independent online news organization based in New York. Since 1997, GenomeWeb has served the global community of scientists, technology professionals, and executives who use and develop the latest advanced tools in molecular biology research and molecular diagnostics.
Medical News Today: Genetics
Medical News Today compiles in-depth health content and the latest news in medical research from a myriad of sources, frequently summarizing content so that it is accessible to the lay reader.
Medline Plus: Genetics
This resource provides consumer-friendly information about the effects of genetic variation on human health.
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN) publishes articles and opinion pieces in areas like: artificial intelligence, bioprocessing, cancer, drug discovery, genome editing, infectious diseases, OMICs, and translational medicine.
DNA Today
DNA Today is a bi-weekly podcast for educating the public on genetic and public health topics through event coverage, news stories, book/movie reviews, and interviews. You can stream it directly from the website or find it in most podcast apps.
ASU Library One Search
To see a complete list of materials available in the library related to genetics, search the catalog for Genetics or Genome.
Big Data Analytics in Genomics (Ka-Chun Wong ed., 2016)
This eBook, from ProQuest Ebook Central, explores the emerging intersection between big data analytics and genomics. Recent sequencing technologies have enabled high-throughput sequencing data generation for genomics resulting in several international projects which have led to massive genomic data accumulation at an unprecedented pace.
Bioethics and Law in a Nutshell (Sandra H. Johnson et al., 2016)
This title, also available as an eBook, from West Academic, provides a concise analysis of areas in which the law has addressed issues in bioethics. Topics include assisted reproductive techniques and family-making, limitations on reproduction (including abortion, contraception and sterilization), the role of ethical and religious beliefs of health care professionals, the definition of death, end-of-life decision-making (including physician-assisted death), genetics, research involving human subjects (including issues related to conflicts of interest), stem cell research, organ transplantation, and other emerging topics.
Principles of Genetics (Eldon J. Gardner & Peter D. Snustad, 2015)
Principles of Genetics is one of the most popular textbooks in use for introductory genetics courses. It opens a window on the rapidly advancing science of genetics by showing exactly how genetics is done. This text offers clear, comprehensive, and unique coverage of genetics, with an emphasis on applications, written primarily for students.