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Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law (COL) Students
Arizona Resources
Federal Resources
ASU Library One Search
To see a complete list of materials available in the library related to crime and its consequences, search the catalog for SUBJECT: Victims of Crime -- United States. Otherwise, peruse the list below.
Crime, Victims and Justice: Essays on Principles and Practice (Hendrik Kaptein & Marijke Malsch eds., 2016)
This collection of papers from some of the leading experts in the field sets out to provide a better understanding of the problems associated with restorative justice, with the aim of improving criminal law. Questions asked include whether retribution may be plausibly reinterpreted as restoration by offenders on behalf of victims; the relationship between criminal law and tort law; and, issues relating to the rights of victims.
On the Parole Board: Reflections on Crime, Punishment, Redemption, and Justice (Frederic G. Reamer, 2017)
This book exploring the largely obscure process of determining release of inmates from prison includes an analysis of crime victims' experiences attempting to persuade the board responsible for decisions about inmates who harmed them.
Primer: Crime Victims' Rights (United States Sentencing Commission, 2019)
This federal government resource introduces the law governing crime victims' rights in the federal system, how to determine who qualifies as a victim, and details victims' rights to participate in relevant judicial proceedings.
Tainted Witness: Why We Doubt What Women Say About Their Lives (Leigh Gilmore, 2017)
This volume takes a feminist perspective on testimony, demonstrating how women often face not only unwarranted credibility challenges when testifying, but character assassination. It closely examines historical incidents of such doubt, including Anita Hill's experiences during the confirmation process of a Supreme Court justice, as well as common doubts about crimes such as sexual assault.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
This resource from the Department of Justice provides state and federal statistical data concerning the criminal justice system, including crime, courts, prisons, police, victims of crime, and tribal justice. It contains resources that could be helpful for research, including the National Crime Victimization Survey and the National Census of Victim Service Providers.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The CDC established the Division of Violence Prevention to focus on preventing violence and its consequences so that all people, families, and communities are safe, healthy, and free from violence. It conducts and disseminates research in many areas, including: child abuse & neglect, elder abuse, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and youth violence.
Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) is committed to enhancing the nation’s capacity to assist crime victims and to providing leadership in changing attitudes, policies, and practices to promote justice and healing for all victims of crime.
Marsy's Law for All
This organization advocates for passage of legislative and constitutional measures that provide crime victims with meaningful and enforceable rights equal to the rights of the accused.
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
Maintained by the University of Michigan, this resource preserves data on crime and justice, and contains data from over 2,700 curated studies and statistical data series.
National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards
This organization supports state compensation programs in providing financial aid to victims.
National Center for Victims of Crime
This organization advocates for victims’ rights, trains professionals who work with victims, and serves as a trusted source of information on victims’ issues.
National Crime Victim Law Institute
Based at Lewis & Clark Law School, NCVLI actively promotes comprehensive and enforceable legal rights for crime victims through victim centered legal advocacy, education, and resources.
National Organization for Victim Assistance
This organization provides professional trainings, education, and resources to support victim assistance providers working directly with victims and survivors in communities across the country.
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
This organization provides a wide range of technical assistance, training, and resource materials on domestic violence issues, including: Research & Statistics, NRCDV Publications, and Policy & Systems Advocacy.
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
This organization provides research and tools to advocates working on the frontlines to end sexual harassment, assault, and abuse.
National Victims' Constitutional Amendment Passage
This website provides news and updates concerning state and federal victims' rights amendments.
Tribal Resource Tool
This resource provides a listing of all services available for American Indian/Alaskan Native survivors of crime and abuse.
Victim Information and Notification Everyday
This resource, VINE, provides timely offender custody information to victims/survivors of crime and concerned citizens.
Arizona Attorney General’s Office of Victim Services
The mission of the Attorney General’s Office of Victim Services is to promote justice and healing for people affected by crime in the state of Arizona by administering the Victims' Rights Program, which provides financial assistance to criminal justice agencies, the Victims' Rights complaint process, and Victims' Rights Training. The office also publishes the Arizona Crime Victims' Rights Laws handbook, which is a compendium of excerpts of Arizona law affecting the rights of victims of crime. It is updated annually.
Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence
The mission of the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence is to lead, advocate, educate, collaborate, and end domestic violence in Arizona.
Arizona Coalition for Victim Services
The Arizona Coalition for Victim Services provides education, training, and advocacy to crime victim service providers throughout Arizona to improve the quantity and quality of services provided to victims. The coalition also promotes and protects the rights of victims through leadership, advocacy, and community education.
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission: Crime Victim Services
The Arizona Criminal Justice Commission's (ACJC) Crime Victim Services area oversees and administers two key programs: the Crime Victim Compensation and the Crime Victim Assistance programs. The Crime Victim Assistance Program provides grants to private non-profit or government agencies that deliver direct services to crime victims. The Crime Victim Compensation Program is administered through ACJC, but resides locally in each of Arizona's 15 county attorney offices.
Arizona Department of Public Safety: VOCA Administration Unit
The mission of the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Administration Unit is to effectively administer VOCA assistance funds by ensuring appropriate and accessible services are available to crime victims, enhancing the delivery of those services through technical assistance, training opportunities, and promoting a continuum of care for every victim in every community.
Arizona Judicial Branch: AZ Victims' Center
This resource contains information about victim rights, restitution, and resources.
Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys' Advisory Council
The primary mission of APAAC is to coordinate and provide training and education to prosecutors throughout Arizona.
The Joyful Child Foundation Blog
The Joyful Child Foundation is dedicated to the prevention of crimes against children through programs that educate, empower, and unite families and communities.
The RAND Blog: Crime and Violence Prevention
The RAND Corporation is a research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier, and more prosperous.
Congressional Research Service
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is a public policy research institute within the United States Congress tasked with providing research and analysis on topics related to policymaking. makes searching for CRS reports easy by organizing them according to topic. From the homepage, click on "Browse by Topic," then filter by "Crime Policy." You can see every report published on a particular topic and even set an RSS to receive notifications when new reports are released.