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Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law (COL) Students
ASU Library One Search
To see a complete list of materials available in the library related to the philosophy of crime and punishment, search the catalog for SUBJECT: Punishment -- Philosophy, SUBJECT: Criminal Law -- Philosophy, SUBJECT: Punishment -- Theory, or SUBJECT: Punishment. Otherwise, peruse the list below.
Appeal to the People's Court: Rethinking Law, Judging, and Punishment (Vincent Luizzi, 2018)
This eBook, from ProQuest Ebook Central, turns to the goings on in courts at the lowest level of adjudication for fresh insights for rethinking these basic features of the legal order.
Inferno: An Anatomy of American Punishment (Robert A. Ferguson, 2014)
Inferno, available as an e-book, draws on court records and works of philosophy, literature, and history to examine the place of punishment in the United States.
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Criminal Law (John Deigh & David Dolinko, 2011)
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Criminal Law compiles the work of multiple authors writing on philosophical issues in criminal law and criminal law theory.
Philosophy of Law: A Very Short Introduction (Raymond Wacks, 2014)
This eBook, available through Oxford Academic, covers a range of topics from Natural Law to Critical Legal Theory at a high level to give the user a basic, foundational knowledge of these principles.
The Philosophy of Punishment (Anthony Ellis, 2012)
This eBook, from ProQuest Ebook Central, includes monographs, collections of essays and occasional anthologies of source material representing study in those areas of philosophy most relevant to topics of public importance, with the aim of advancing the contribution of philosophy in the discussion of these topics.
The Philosophy of Punishment and the History of Political Thought (Peter Karl Koritansky & Michael J. White, 2011)
Philosophy of Punishment and the History of Political Thought, which provides a provocative exploration of the contributions of nine major thinkers and traditions regarding the question of punitive justice.
Understanding Restorative Justice (Pate Wallis, 2014)
This eBook, from EBSCO's eBook Collection, offers a fresh angle on a topic that is of growing interest both in the US and internationally. It is a comprehensive introduction for those new to restorative justice and also great as a best-practice guide for people familiar with subject.
Criminal Justice Abstracts (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
Criminal Justice Abstracts indexes journal articles dealing with criminal justice and related disciplines and contains the full text of selected resources.
Humanities Full Text (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
This database provides the full text of articles published in a wide variety of academic fields including history, journalism, communications, language, literature, literary and political criticism, philosophy, and religion.
JSTOR (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
JSTOR is a full-text database of over 1,000 academic journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
PsycINFO (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
PsycINFO indexes journal articles and books in psychology and related disciplines.
Sociological Abstracts (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
Sociological Abstracts indexes journal articles related to theoretical and applied sociology, social science, and policy science.
Criminal Law and Philosophy (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
Criminal Law and Philosophy publishes articles from a range of philosophical schools and approaches that address topics including crime, criminalization, the criminal process, and punishment and sentencing.
Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy
The Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy is a publication of the USC School of Law and offers scholarly content on all issues related to moral, political, and legal philosophy. This resource is on HeinOnline (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE) and Lexis+ (Lexis+ password required).
Law and Philosophy (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
Law and Philosophy is an international journal that publishes articles in any of the major legal traditions (common law, civil law, and socialist) that exhibit a philosophical reflection on the law.
NOMOS: American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
NOMOS is the annual yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy. The ASPLP brings together a group of political scientists, philosophers, and law scholars interested in exploring legal and political philosophy outside of their home disciplines. Each year they publish a journal on a different topic, examples include: Federalism, Immigration, and Global Justice.
Philosophy Today
Philosophy Today is an international journal that offers interdisciplinary articles focused on the intersection of philosophy, political theory, comparative literature, and cultural studies.