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Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law (COL) Students
Arizona Legal Research (Tamara Herrera, 2021)
Arizona Legal Research was written for first-year law students, paralegals, or anyone who wants to know the basics of how to conduct legal research in Arizona. The book explains the process of legal research as a researcher would approach a problem "on the job." Specifically, Arizona Legal Research explains how to research Arizona secondary sources, constitutional law, statutes (including legislative history), administrative law, and cases. Arizona Legal Research also includes a chapter covering the basics of researching Indian law, which is an important subject to Arizona legal practitioners.
Arizona Practice Series (West Academic)
The Arizona Practice Series is a multi-volume set that is written for Arizona legal practitioners. It offers explanatory text, checklists, and forms in each subject-specific volume. In addition to the print volumes located in the Law Library, this series is available on Westlaw (Westlaw password required). The topics covered within the set include:
Arizona DUI Trial Notebook (Bruce H. Chalk & Christina Cabanillas, eds.)
This volume covers issues such as the constitutionality of DUI statutes, the stop, contact, testing, pretrial, trial, post-trial, and other miscellaneous issues. The appendices include DUI laws, relevant regulations, sample voir dire questions, sample questions for officers and experts, DUI jury instructions, and a table of authorities.
Arizona DUI: A Manual for Police, Judges and Lawyers (Jefferson L. Lankford, ed.)
This thin volume includes checklists and forms for each step of an Arizona DUI case.
Revised Arizona Jury Instructions (Criminal) (State Bar of Arizona)
Includes standard instructions, with sources, use notes, and comments. In addition to the print volumes located in the Law Library, this resource is available on Lexis+ (Lexis+ password required).
Search and Seizure (Christina Cabanillas, 2016)
This resource discusses the federal and state constitutional provisions governing police investigatory work in Arizona. It expounds upon all points in the analysis of government search and seizure activity, including whether a search warrant is required in particular scenarios and whether improperly gathered evidence must be excluded at trial. It summarizes the analysis into a concise, step-by-step guide.
Arizona Attorney General's Office Criminal Division
The Criminal Division's mission is to protect the citizens of Arizona by investigating and prosecuting criminal cases within the State, and in representing the State in capital and non-capital appeals.
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission
The Arizona Criminal Justice Commission is a statutorily authorized entity mandated to carry out various coordinating, monitoring, and reporting functions regarding the administration and management of criminal justice programs in Arizona.
Arizona Department of Public Safety
The Arizona Department of Public Safety's primary function is to patrol Arizona highways and enforce the law. However, it also produces reports on public safety, issues licenses and permits, and maintains the state sex offender registry.
Arizona Judicial Branch: Criminal Law
This website provides information on the criminal justice process, sentencing, postconviction relief, and also contains various forms pertaining to criminal convictions and criminal records.
Title 13 of the Arizona Revised Statutes
Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure
Arizona Trial Court Orders
Arizona Trial Court Dockets
Arizona Municipal Codes
See also the Arizona Municipal Law page of the Law Library's Arizona Law research guide.
Crime in Arizona Reports (2006-2020)
The Arizona Department of Public Safety provides data regarding the nature and extent of crime throughout the State.
Arizona Crime Statistics (2017-present)
The Arizona Department of Public Safety provides up-to-date crime statistics as submitted by local law enforcement agencies.
City of Phoenix Crime Statistics and Maps (approx. 2016-present)
The City of Phoenix provides statistics and location data of crimes within the city, as well as information on police calls for service, officer involved shootings, and incident logs.
Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice
The Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice is a statewide not-for-profit membership organization of criminal defense lawyers, law students, and associated professionals dedicated to protecting the rights of the accused in the courts and in the legislature, promoting excellence in the practice of criminal law through education, training, and mutual assistance, and fostering public awareness of citizens' rights, the criminal justice system, and the role of the defense lawyer.
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission: Statistical Analysis Center
The Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) serves as the research arm of the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission. The SAC was created to collect, analyze, and report on the state of criminal justice issues in Arizona by evaluating programs and policies as requested by Arizona Criminal Justice Commission or required by statute for local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies.
State Bar of Arizona Section on Criminal Justice
The general purpose of the section is to promote professional competence of the attorneys who practice in the criminal justice system, promote public understanding of the criminal justice system, provide information on the criminal justice system, and promote just and swift operation of the criminal justice system. To that end, the section provides links to a number of criminal law resources, including Arizona-specific resources, on its Criminal Justice Resources page.