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Criminal Law

Texts and Treatises

ASU Library One Search
To see a complete list of materials available in the library related to international criminal law, search the catalog for SUBJECT:  International Criminal Law or SUBJECT:  International Crimes. Otherwise, peruse the list below.

An Introduction to Transnational Criminal Law (Neil Boister, 2018)
Introduces the definitions and elements of a transnational crime (one that crosses international boundaries) and the transnational criminal legal system's goals before delving into specific problems, including maritime piracy, human trafficking, drug trafficking, terrorism, organized crime, environmental crimes, and artifacts. It then explores enforcement of crimes, including jurisdictional issues and international cooperation. Finally, it discusses the U.N. and other international institutions dedicated to criminal enforcement and the future of transnational criminal law.

Routledge Handbook of Transnational Criminal Law (Neil Boister & Robert J. Currie, eds., 2017)
This anthology introduces the nature of transnational crime and the organizations dedicated to fighting crime that spans international borders. It discusses jurisdictional issues and police cooperation, asset recovery, and extradition before discussing the major transnational crimes, including human trafficking, smuggling, environmental crimes, and organized crime. It also addresses the challenges associated with implementing transnational criminal law.

International Criminal Law in a Nutshell (David P. Stewart, 2019)
This primer is intended as an introduction for students taking a first course in international criminal law as well as practitioners with little or no familiarity with the field. It lays out the elements of international and transnational criminal law, with an emphasis on jurisdiction, extradition, and international courts. It details legal elements, including modes of participation for the accused and recognized defenses. Also available as an eBook from West Academic (available on campus or with a West Academic account).

Prosecuting International Crimes:  A Multidisciplinary Approach (Bartłomiej Krzan, ed., 2016)
This anthology, available as an eBook from ProQuest Ebook Central, analyzes individual criminal responsibility under international law, institutional and procedural issues of international criminal law, and the impact of domestic law.

Green Crimes and International Environmental Law (Regina Menachery Paulose, ed., 2022)
This collection explores green crimes—violations of law that harm wildlife, ecosystems, and humans directly—in the international context. Green crimes are not only a present, but future human rights concern. The essays in this collection explore novel legal systems to help protect the environment.

International Law and Transnational Organized Crime (Pierre Hauck & Sven Peterke, eds., 2016)
This title, available in print and as an eBook from ProQuest Ebook Central, traces the development of transnational organized crime and its impact on states, and the legal regimes that fight back. In addition, it outlines the challenges of investigating organized crime, including policing and technological aspects.

International Criminal Law:  Intersections and Contradictions (Beth Van Schaack & Ronald Slye, 2021)
This eBook, from EBSCO's eBook Collection, recounts the development of international criminal law and introduces the key features of the field, including jurisdiction, how crimes become internationalized, and the principle of legality. It also highlights points of intersection and divergence within core doctrines, and offers a candid assessment of challenges in the field and opportunities for growth and development. Also available as an eBook from West Academic (available on campus or with a West Academic account).

The Cambridge Companion to International Criminal Law (William Schabas, ed., 2016)
This anthology, available as an eBook from Cambridge Core, traces the purposes and principles that justify the existence of international criminal law. It also introduces the tribunals, crimes, major prosecutions, and concerns about the future of the field.

Necessity or Nuisance? Recourse to Human Rights in Substantive International Criminal Law (Julia Gebhard, 2018)
This eBook, from the Directory of Open Access Books, explores the compatibility of human rights in defining behaviors subject to criminal sanctions internationally by highlighting the common roots and differences between both areas of law, the existing inconsistencies in the application of the law, and approaches that could contribute to their solution.

Classical Morality in International Peremptory Criminal Law (Farhad Malekian, 2018)
This eBook, from ProQuest Ebook Central, explores morality as the central justification for much of criminal law and searches for legal norms accepted since ancient times.

Reparations and Victim Support in the International Criminal Court (Conor McCarthy, 2012)
This eBook, from ProQuest Ebook Central, explores the present state of victim rights and reparations under international criminal law, including proceedings and court orders.

The Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Court (Margaret deGuzman & Valerie Oosterveld, eds., 2020)
This eBook, from ProQuest Ebook Central, provides an overview of the first two decades of the ICC's existence, investigating the dominant narratives and counter-narratives that have emerged about the institution and its work.

Strengthening the Validity of International Criminal Tribunals (Joanna Nicholson, ed., 2018)
This anthology, available as an eBook from ProQuest Ebook Central, provides multi-disciplinary perspectives concerning ways in which international criminal tribunals can be made more valid and effective in a time of uncertainty for the field of international criminal justice.

The Mirage of International Criminal Law:  Kant's Metaphysics of Mens Rea (Farhad Malekian, 2018)
This eBook, from ProQuest Ebook Central, provides a philosophical approach to international criminal law by exploring concepts like morality and mental culpability for crime.

The Legitimacy of International Criminal Tribunals (Nobuo Hayashi & Cecilia M. Bailliet, eds., 2019)
This eBook, from ProQuest Ebook Central, explores legitimacy from a variety of perspectives, including the advancement of criminal policy objectives, the legality and objectivity of the courts, and victim participation.

Web Resources

International Criminal Court
This court has jurisdiction to prosecute genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes of aggression. The website of the ICC contains court records, a case law database, core legal texts, reports, fact sheets, an official journal, administrative issuances, and a resource library. You can gain further insight into the ICC via the Commentary on the Law of the International Criminal Court, which addresses ordinary and recurrent questions of interpretation and application of international criminal law as well as relevant preparatory works, case law, expert views, and scholarship that may be consulted for further research.

International Court of Justice
This court was established by the United Nations to settle disputes between member states and to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by member organizations. It is not a criminal court and does not exercise any prosecutorial functions. The website of the ICJ contains a list of all its cases, advisory proceedings, judgments, advisory opinions, and orders.

Special Courts

  • Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
    This court was established to prosecute the senior leaders and the most responsible members of the Khmer Rouge for violations of international law and serious crimes perpetrated during the Cambodian genocide of the 1970s. Its mandate expired in 2022.

  • International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
    This court, commonly known as the ICTY, was established to prosecute perpetrators of war crimes committed during the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s. Its mandate expired in 2017.

  • International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
    This court, commonly known as the ICTR, was established to prosecute perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide as well as other serious violations of international law in Rwanda, or by Rwandan citizens in nearby states, occurring over the course of approximately 100 days in 1994. Its mandate expired in 2015.

  • Special Court of Sierra Leone
    This court was established to prosecute those who bore the greatest responsibility for serious violations of both international humanitarian law as well as Sierra Leonean law committed in Sierra Leone during the Sierra Leone Civil War of the late 1990s. Its mandate expired in 2013.

  • Special Tribunal for Lebanon
    This court was established to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri on February 14, 2005, as well as those responsible for connected attacks. Its mandate expired in 2022.

Residual Courts

These courts were established to subsume the continuing legal obligations (e.g., contempt of court proceedings, witness protection, supervision of prison sentences, management of court records, etc.) of courts whose mandates have since expired. The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals oversees issues related to the ICTY and the ICTR, while the Residual Special Court for Sierra Leone oversees issues related to the Special Court of Sierra Leone.

Courts Without an Online Presence

  • International Military Tribunal for Germany
    This body was organized to prosecute senior Nazi political and military leaders for crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The Nuremberg Trials Project, maintained by the Harvard Law School Library, features a database of trial transcripts, court filings, evidence files, and other documents associated with the trials.

  • International Military Tribunal for the Far East
    This body was organized to prosecute the leaders of Japan for crimes leading up to and during the Second World War, including crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

  • Ad-Hoc Court for East Timor
    This body was organized to seek justice for human rights violations committed prior to the 1999 vote for independence on the island of Timor.

  • Iraqi Special Tribunal
    This body was organized to prosecute genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes perpetrated by Iraqi nationals or residents of Iraq between 1968 and 2003.

The Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice
This collection of non-governmental organizations engages in dialogue and projects around the world as part of its mission to "provide access to justice for all."

Coalition for the International Criminal Court
This group of human rights organizations works to enact policy changes to secure justice for victims of crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes.

International Center for Transitional Justice
This organization works with victims to redress massive human rights violations, hold those responsible to account, reform and build democratic institutions, and prevent the recurrence of violence or repression.

International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)
This agency helps other law enforcement organizations track criminals who operate across national borders. It facilitates cooperation among its member countries by providing forensics, analysis, and assistance in locating fugitives around the world.

International Justice Resource Center
This organization informs, trains, and advises advocates and individuals on using international and regional human rights protections to advance justice and accountability in their communities.

U.N. Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
This is the main body within the United Nations that addresses issues related to the fields of crime prevention and criminal justice, and is the main forum for member states to debate standards and norms in these areas.

U.N. Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
This body assists governments and the international community in formulating and implementing improved policies in the fields of crime prevention, criminal justice, security governance, risks and benefits of advances in technologies like artificial intelligence, counter-terrorism, and social cohesion.

U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime
This body works to educate people throughout the world about the dangers of drug abuse, and to strengthen international action against illicit drug production and trafficking and drug-related crime.

This blog, published by the European Journal of International Law, contains analysis in many different categories, including International Criminal Law, the International Criminal Court, and the International Court of Justice, among others.

International Enforcement Law Reporter
This resource, available on Westlaw (Westlaw password required), is a monthly newsletter that focuses on recent developments in international criminal law.

International Law Blog:  International Criminal Law
This blog, founded by scholars at Middlesex University in London, provides a platform to discuss issues related to international, transnational, European, and comparative law.

Justice in Conflict
This blog focuses on the challenges of pursuing justice in conflict as well as competing conceptions and ideas of justice.

TRIAL International:  News
This resource, maintained by TRIAL International, the non-governmental organization dedicated to fighting impunity for international crimes and supporting victims in their quest for justice, is a database of news related to many different countries, topics, and courts. Use the filters on the left side of the page to refine your search.

War Crimes Prosecution Watch
This bi-weekly newsletter, from Case Western Reserve University School of Law, collects official documents and articles from major news sources that detail and analyze salient issues pertaining to the investigation and prosecution of war crimes.

HeinOnline (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE) offers pathfinders for the following subjects:  

International Criminal Law Review
This peer-reviewed journal publishes in-depth analytical research that deals with both substantive and procedural law on the international level.

International Review of the Red Cross
This peer-reviewed journal published by the International Committee of the Red Cross promotes reflection on humanitarian law, policy, and action.

Journal of International Criminal Justice
This journal addresses the major problems of justice from the angle of law, jurisprudence, criminology, penal philosophy, and the history of international judicial institutions.

Eyes on the ICC
This journal, which was published by the Council for American Students in International Negotiations, promoted awareness of the International Criminal Court.

ICC Legal Tools Database
This resource, maintained by the Centre for International Law Research and Policy, is a database of International Criminal Court documents, international legal instruments, human rights law decisions and documents, and other international law decisions and documents. CILRAP also maintains the ICC Case Law Database, which provides access to ICC jurisprudence.

WorldLII:  International Courts & Tribunals Collection
This database, maintained by the World Legal Information Institute, provides access to case law from international, regional, and special tribunals.

International Crimes Database
This database gathers case law on crimes from international, domestic, and hybrid courts, with categories for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression, torture, piracy, and terrorism.

This resource integrates access to lectures, commentary, case law, preparatory works, and digests relevant to the provisions of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

GlobaLex:  Searching through Systems - Research Guide for UN Criminal Tribunals
This publication, from the NYU School of Law, is dedicated to international and foreign law research, and provides research tools for comparative law, international law, and the laws of various jurisdictions around the world. This guide includes recommendations on researching international criminal tribunals as well as the information that is inherent to these institutions (e.g., organic documents, judicial decisions, administrative functions, etc.).

Westlaw International Materials
This database, available on Westlaw (Westlaw password required), gathers case law, administrative materials, legislation, treatises, journals, and other content for a select number of jurisdictions.

Lexis+ International
This database, available on Lexis+ (Lexis+ password required), gathers select materials for more than 200 jurisdictions.