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Law Databases

Bloomberg Law:  Antitrust Practice Center (Bloomberg Law password required)
The Bloomberg Law:  Antitrust Practice Center page provides access to primary sources such as the federal antitrust laws, most recent federal cases, and agency materials. It also offers a number of secondary sources, including BNA antitrust portfolios, ABA publications, and journal articles.

HeinOnline:  Unfair Competition (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
Gathers written materials from law journals worldwide on subjects including and related to antitrust.

Lexis+ Antitrust & Trade Law (Lexis+ password required)
Lexis provides access to antitrust codes and regulations, treatises, and recent case materials including briefs, pleadings, motions, forms, and jury instructions.

Lexis+ Practical Guidance:  Antitrust (Lexis+ password required)
Provides information on the latest antitrust trends, as well as practice notes to get lawyers up to speed, document templates, and checklists for completing tasks related to antitrust.

VitalLaw (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
The VitalLaw database provides quick access to relevant federal and state antitrust statutes, FTC rules, regulations, and guides, and recent federal enforcement actions. It also contains the Trade Regulation Reporter and AntitrustConnect Blog, which spotlight recent developments in antitrust law.

Westlaw Antitrust (Westlaw password required)
Provides access to antitrust resources including cases, statutes, regulations, secondary sources, and briefs.

Westlaw Practical Law:  Antitrust (Westlaw password required)
Offers resources on antitrust compliance and litigation categorized by antitrust subject matter (i.e., merger control, horizontal agreements, and unilateral conduct). It also provides access to the Antitrust:  Supreme Court Case Tracker, which provides information on U.S. Supreme Court antitrust decisions dating to 2012.

Interdisciplinary Databases

The databases listed below are available on campus or remotely to ASU students, faculty, and staff with ASURITE credentials.

ABI/INFORM Collection
This comprehensive business database includes articles from thousands of English-language publications worldwide covering business, management, and related areas.

Indexes the economic and business-related literature, including antitrust efforts worldwide.

Google Scholar
Google Scholar allows searching of multidisciplinary scholarly literature including articles, papers, theses, books, abstracts, and technical reports from a wide variety of resources such as journals, repositories, and the web.