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Water Law

News Sources

Environmental Law Institute:  Western Water Program
This organization dedicated to environmental and economic health provides guidance on Western water policy initiatives, including distribution, pollution control, wastewater reclamation, and legal reforms.

Great Lakes Law
This blog by Wayne State University Law School Professor Noah Hall features news and commentary on environmental justice, interstate governance, water quality, and other issues involving the Great Lakes.

International Water Law Project Blog
This blog led by Texas A&M Professor Gabriel Eckstein explores international treaties, pacts between countries, and the tensions at play in sharing transboundary watercourses.

Texas Agriculture Law Blog:  Water Law
This resource compiles all posts related to water distribution and quality from the Texas Agriculture Law Blog.

University of Denver Water Law Review Blog
News and commentary on water distribution, water quality, and other issues, with a focus on the Western United States.

Arizona Resources

Arizona v. California
This collection from the University of Colorado Law Library contains full-text, fully searchable pleadings, briefs, orders, and transcripts from more than a decade of litigation between Arizona and California over Colorado River rights.

Arizona Water Blueprint
This resource from the Kyl Center for Water Policy at ASU gathers detailed information on state water resources, including hydrography, legal regimes, infrastructure, and water habitats. It offers a number of Story Maps that combine maps, data, and multimedia content.

Kyl Center for Water Policy
This center gathers resources including news, publications, and blogs. It also manages the Colorado River Visualization Enterprise, which models the impacts to Arizona of Colorado River climate, hydrologic, and management scenarios.

National Conference of State Legislatures
NCSL is a bipartisan research organization serving legislators and staff of all 50 states. It provides research, technical assistance, and the ability for policymakers to exchange ideas. NCSL tracks important Environment and Natural Resources issues in state legislatures and provides information on programs sponsored by NCSL.

State Water Departments

Federal Resources is the official website of the federal legislature. It contains bills and resolutions, committee reports, the Congressional Record, Presidential nominations, treaties, and other related information including summaries and status of legislative acts. It also provides information about members of Congress, links to House and Senate committee pages, the United States Code, and other legislative resources. You can browse the website by subject (e.g., Water quality).

Congressional Research Service Reports: Water Resources
CRS is a public policy research institute within the United States Congress tasked with providing research and analysis on topics related to policymaking. The National Agricultural Law Center has compiled a comprehensive list of CRS reports on water law.

EPA: Water Topics
EPA is an independent agency of the United States government tasked with environmental protection matters. You can browse the Regulatory Information by Topic section to find a consolidated list of activities related to water law. You can also choose to subscribe to EPA News Releases by clicking on Interest, selecting Water, entering your email address, and clicking Submit.

Federal Register
The Federal Register is the official journal of the federal government. It is published every weekday, except for federal holidays, and contains notices, proposed rules, final rules, and executive orders. You can browse the website by topic (e.g., Water pollution control).

HeinOnline's U.S. Federal Legislative History Library (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
This database includes documents related to the Clean Water Act, the Clean Water Act Amendments, and other important legislation.