Below is a short list of texts and treatises in the ASU libraries’ collection related to the legal issues of election law. You can search for other resources in the ASU catalog by using subject headings such as Election law.
America Votes! A Guide to Modern Election Law & Voting, 4th ed. (Benjamin E. Griffith & John Hardin Young, eds., 2024)
America Votes! is a guide to American elections published by the American Bar Association that explores issues of concern and problems threatening the security and fairness of the American electoral system. It can be found in HeinOnline (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE) and on Westlaw (Westlaw password required).
Defending Democracies: Combating Foreign Election Interference in a Digital Age (Duncan B. Hollis & Jens David Ohlin, eds., 2021)
This book brings domestic and international perspectives on elections and election law into conversation with other disciplinary frameworks in an attempt to define the problem of foreign election interference, to explore the solutions that international law might bring to bear, and to consider alternative regulatory frameworks for understanding and addressing the problem. (Available on campus or remotely with ASURITE.)
Election Law and Democratic Theory (David A. Schultz, 2014)
This book provides a full-length examination of the political theories and principles and democratic values underlying current election law debates and the regulation of political campaigns and participants in the United States. Topics covered range from campaign finance reform, voting rights, reapportionment, and ballot access to the rights of political parties, the media, and other players in the system. (Available on campus or remotely with ASURITE.)
Resolving Gerrymandering: A Manageable Standard (Robert Schafer, 2022)
This book published by the American Bar Association proposes a standard for resolving gerrymandering without the entanglements of justiciability and political questions.
Routledge Handbook of Election Law (David Schultz, 2023)
The Routledge Handbook of Election Law is a cross-national comparative reference book surveying the electoral practices and law of the major and emerging democracies across the world. It has chapters about democratic theory, voting rights, election observation, political finance, gender quotas, and more.
Why Do We Still Have the Electoral College? (Alexander Keyssar, 2021)
The Electoral College has always been controversial, and this book catalogs the many serious efforts to change the system, explains why they failed, and surveys the options for achieving a more democratic national vote. (Available on campus or remotely with ASURITE.)
Westlaw (Westlaw password required)
Lobbying, PACs, and Campaign Finance: 50 State Handbook (2024)
This publication summarizes lobbying, governmental ethics, and campaign finance laws of the 50 states and the United States and demonstrates how states and the federal government regulate outlets through which money influences legislation, government, and elections.
The first part of this work contains the rules for "non-precinct voting"-the casting of ballots by means other than the traditional polling-place on Election Day. The second part concerns general principles for the resolution of disputed elections and is applicable to both presidential and nonpresidential elections. The third part concerns presidential election disputes specifically and establishes procedures to resolve a disputed presidential election within the narrow time constraints established by Congress.