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Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law (COL) Students
Bloomberg Law Practice Center: Trade Secrets (Bloomberg Law password required)
Bloomberg Law hosts a suite of information for the trade secrets researcher, covering practice tools, news & analysis, opinions & dockets, regulatory materials, and legal analysis.
Lexis+ Practice Area: Trade Secrets Law (Lexis+ password required)
The Lexis+ Trade Secrets Law page brings together a variety of legal sources, all specific to trade secrets, including statutes, cases, and regulations, as well as secondary sources, forms, dockets, and more.
Westlaw Practical Law: Trade Secrets (Westlaw password required)
Westlaw hosts a suite of practical content including checklists, practice notes, summary overviews, and forms related to the practice of trade secrets law to help practitioners stay in compliance and efficient in their workflows.
Uniform Trade Secrets Act (Uniform Law Commission)
The Uniform Law Commission's website provides the text of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act with Commission comments, a listing of the states that have enacted the Act (with bill numbers provided), and the Act's enactment kit.
Restatement (Second) of Torts (American Law Institute)
HeinOnline (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE) offers the full text online. The Restatement (Second) of Torts is also on Westlaw (Westlaw password required) and Lexis+ (Lexis+ password required).
Restatement (Third) of Unfair Competition (American Law Institute)
HeinOnline (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE) offers the full text online. The Restatement (Third) of Unfair Competition is also on Westlaw (Westlaw password required) and Lexis+ (Lexis+ password required).
Below is a short list of treatises in the ASU Library collection related to the legal issues of trade secrets law. You can search for other resources in the ASU Library catalog by using subject headings such as: Trade Secrets -- United States or Intellectual property -- United States.
Milgrim on Trade Secrets (Robert M. Milgrim & Eric E. Bensen, 2024)
This treatise provides in-depth coverage on trade secret definitions, how to protect a trade secret, and pretrial and trial considerations. Lexis+ password required.
Trade Secrets: A State-by-State Survey (Brian M. Malsberger et al., 2017)
This treatise covers each state's statutory and common law protection of trade secrets and other confidential business information, both within and outside the employment context. The title is available in print in the Law Library.
Trade Secrets: A Legal Research Guide (John R. Cavicchi, 2019)
This legal research guide, available on HeinOnline, presents information on how to locate case decisions, laws, articles, and online materials necessary to understand trade secrets law. Available on campus or remotely with ASURITE.
Trade Secrets Law (Melvin F. Jager & Brad Lane, 2023)
This comprehensive treatise includes a full analysis of trade secret laws and a review of trade secret theories accepted by the courts. The author provides context on how to form an enforceable protective agreement for trade secrets and also discusses trade secret licenses. Westlaw password required.
Bloomberg Law: IP Law News (Bloomberg Law password required)
Bloomberg Law is a renowned provider of legal news and has a section covering US intellectual property, including copyright.
Law360 Intellectual Property (available on campus or remotely with Lexis+ password)
Law360 is the legal news subdivision of LexisNexis and offers news on topics related to intellectual property and copyright.
Westlaw Intellectual Property News (Westlaw password required)
Westlaw's news sections pulls from a wide range of sources to allow the user to search and filter for terms related to trademark law.
Trade Secrets Tracker Blog
This blog from law firm Perkins Coie highlights and analyzes the latest legal developments in trade secret litigation, including court rulings, legal news, and trade secret best practices for companies and their legal departments.
Trade Secrets Trends Blog
This blog from Crowell Moring analyzes the latest legal developments in trade secret litigation, including court rulings, legal news, and trade secret best practices.
Trade Secrets Watch Blog
Another law firm blog, Trade Secrets Watch content is authored by trade secret attorneys at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP. Blog content includes news and analysis from the United States and across the globe including recent cases, proposed legislation, verdicts and settlements, and practice tips.
Practical Law Center (Westlaw password required)
The Practical Law Center focuses on transactional law resources. Content includes how-to guides and explanations of current law and practice, example documents and clauses with drafting notes, practitioner-written articles, and legal updates.
Sample Agreements (Westlaw password required)
Over one million executed business agreements with clauses and provisions drafted by attorneys; documents are sourced from the SEC's EDGAR database.
Form Finder (Westlaw password required)
Forms by state, by topic, or by publication.
Lexis+ Practical Guidance (Lexis+ password required)
Lexis+ Practice Advisor contains resources focused on trade secrets law, including annotated forms, practitioner insights, and drafting guidance.
Practice Notes provides document overviews, drafting notes, and checklists offering step by step, how-to guidance to assist in drafting legal documents. The overview provides a brief summary written in plain English with background information on the task and potential issues pertaining to the selected task.
Transactional Intelligence Center (Bloomberg Law password required)
Bloomberg Law's Transactional Law Resources include documents and clauses used in real legal transactions, document descriptions, and drafting guides. Resources can be both searched and browsed.
Draft Analyzer is a tool that allows you to compare your drafted transactional document's language against EDGAR exhibits to determine market standard language. The system matches your text to similar templates representing consensus drafting from EDGAR. The Bloomberg system categorizes each paragraph based on textual similarity and constructs one or more unified versions ("consensus templates") for each identified cluster of similarly worded paragraphs. It also identifies and quantifies areas of linguistic variance and displays the most common alternative words or phrases used in its source paragraphs.
As a practical matter, trades secrets research is frequently performed in the context of employment law litigation. These resources will save you time by grouping together materials related to employment law and practice to supplement your trade secrets research.
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