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Intellectual Property

Copyright, Patent, Trademark, and Trade Secrets

Online Resources

Bloomberg Law Practice Center:  Copyrights (Bloomberg Law password required)
Bloomberg Law's Copyrights page hosts a suite of information for the copyright researcher, covering practice tools, news & analysis, opinions & dockets, regulatory materials, legal analysis, and international IP law.

Lexis+ Practice Area:  Copyright Law (Lexis+ password required)
Lexis+ hosts a suite of information for the copyright researcher, covering Constitutional Copyright Protections, Infringement Actions, Foreign & International Protections, and the Scope of Copyright Protections.

Lexis+ Practical Guidance:  Intellectual Property & Technology:  Copyright
Lexis+ also provides practical content including forms, checklists, and practical guidance.

VitalLaw Practice Page: Intellectual Property (Available on campus or with ASURITE credentials)
This VitalLaw Practice Page contains a collection of newsletters, guides, statutes, rules, regulations, policies, and cases related to copyright and trademark cases.  

Westlaw Practice Area:  Intellectual Property:  Copyright (Westlaw password required)
Westlaw hosts a suite of materials for the copyright researcher, covering administrative materials, litigation resources, legislative & regulatory primary documents, and authoritative secondary sources.

Westlaw Practical Law:  Intelletual Property & Technology:  Copyright
Westlaw also provides practical content including checklists, practice notes, summary overviews, and forms related to copyright law to help practitioners stay compliant and efficient in their workflows.

United States Copyright Office
The United States Copyright Office (sometimes abbreviated as USCO), a part of the Library of Congress, is the U.S. government body that maintains records of copyright registration in the United States including a Copyright Catalog.

U.S. Copyright Office:  Preregistration Information
Information about copyright preregistration, including when it might be appropriate, which types of work apply, and how to preregister your copyright.

Columbia University Libraries:  Copyright Quick Guide
This guide, produced by Columbia University Libraries, gives an overview of the basics of copyright law and provides simple guidance on how to avoid running afoul of copyright protections.

Fair Use Checklist
This is a checklist of the four factors that courts use to determine fair use, with explanations, for readers trying to navigate this doctrine.

Center for Media & Social Impact:  Best Practices in Fair Use for Open Educational Resources
This guide, produced by the Center for Media & Social Impact, along with Stanford Libraries has created a guide on the best practices for Fair Use materials.

Books and Treatises

Below is a short list of treatises in the ASU Library collection related to the legal issues of copyright law. You can search for other resources in the ASU Library catalog by using subject headings such as:  Copyright -- Fair use or Copyright -- United States.

Goldstein on Copyright (Paul Goldstein, 2018)
Goldstein on Copyright is a five-volume treatise that fully covers emerging issues in information and entertainment technologies as well as securing, protecting, acquiring, selling, transferring, or licensing copyrights anywhere in the world; includes analysis of new court decisions, Lanham Act Section 43(a), vicarious liability, public performance, and more.

Lindey on Entertainment, Publishing and the Arts (Alexander Lindey & Michael Landau, 2020)
Lidney on Entertainment, Publishing and the Arts is an eight-volume treatise, covering fair use, duration of copyright, copyrighted works posted to social media, marks consisting of domain names, trade dress and functionality, unfair and false advertising, regulation of nonobscene offensive content, and the Visual Artists Rights Act. Also on Westlaw (Westlaw password required).

Nimmer on Copyright (David Nimmer, 2021)
Nimmer on Copyright is an eleven-volume authoritative treatise that provides an in-depth, comprehensive analysis of modern U.S. copyright law affecting printed works, plays and motion pictures, music, artistic property, software, and digital content delivered over the Internet. Also on Lexis+ (Lexis+ password required).

Digital Treatises

Copyright Law in Business & Practice (Westlaw password required)
This treatise on Westlaw covers all aspects of copyright issues, from protection afforded first-time authors to protection of business logos, computer programs, databases, and semiconductor chip products.

Copyright Law Reporter (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
This two-volume reference on VitalLaw provides the full text of federal laws, precedent-setting court decisions, annotated explanations, Copyright Office forms, official circulars and reference materials.

Examples and Explanations:  Intellectual Property (Stephen M. McJohn, 2021)
Using Examples & Explanations pedagogy, this study guide covers the core concepts of intellectual property law, including copyright, patent, trademark, and trade secrets. Also on Aspen Learning Library (available on campus, remotely with ASURITE, or with an ASU Aspen Learning Library account).

Intellectual Property:  Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright in a Nutshell (Arthur R. Miller, 2018)
This text, by famed Harvard professor Arthur Miller, includes patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Further, it addresses torts and property; antitrust and government regulation; concepts of federalism and state and federal conflicts. Also on West Academic (available on campus, remotely with ASURITE, or with an ASU West Academic account).

News and Current Awareness

Bloomberg Law:  IP Law News (Bloomberg Law password required)
Bloomberg Law is a renowned provider of legal news and has a section covering US intellectual property, including copyright.

Law360 Intellectual Property (available on campus or remotely with Lexis+ password)
Law360 is the legal news subdivision of LexisNexis and offers news on topics related to intellectual property and copyright.

Westlaw Intellectual Property News (Westlaw password required)
Westlaw's news sections pulls from a wide range of sources to allow the user to search and filter for terms related to trademark law.

Art Law & More
Art Law & More is brought to you by a team of art law specialists from Boodle Hatfield LLP and contributors from the art world. It provides international news and analysis about copyright law.

Internet Cases
This blog is written by Evan Brown, a professor a the University of Chicago and partner at Much Shelist. It covers federal and state court decisions related to social media, blogging and copyright.

Kluwer Copyright Blog
Kluwer Copyright Blog is a publication of Kluwer Law International, providing information and news on European copyright law. We have assembled a group of leading experts, comprising practicing lawyers and academics to report on the latest developments.