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Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law (COL) Students
This guide assists students with background research on employers as well as other career development strategies. Meet with our reference librarians for expert help researching employers, including large and small firms, government agencies, and judges. We can help you find information about legal practice areas, individual attorneys, and employers’ commentary on emerging legal issues, as well as statistical data about employers. This can help you identify attractive job opportunities and help you tailor your message for your application materials and interview talking points. We can also help you identify practice and study materials for particular legal fields to help you on the job. For help with crafting your resume, cover letter, and interview messages, contact the College of Law’s Career Services department.
Becoming a Public Interest Lawyer (Nicole Hallett, 2022)
A comprehensive guide to careers in public interest law. It helps students decide which kind of public interest job is right for them and then gives them the tools and information they need to land their dream job. It provides candid, practical advice on how to choose a law school, survive the first year, develop a resume, search for a job, and manage student debt. Extended sections cover summer internships, public interest fellowships, law school extracurricular activities, and life after law school as a public interest lawyer. Also available on West Academic (available on campus or with a West Academic account).
Careers in Business Law (Lana J. Manganiello, 2024)
Careers in Business Law is a comprehensive guide for lawyers who are considering a career in business law or contemplating a transition into a new specialization. The guide provides the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the different business law practice areas and emphasizes career choices that are strategically sound and aligned with personal aspirations and values.
Careers in International Law (Marcelo Bombau, ed., 2019)
Chapters include testimonials, comparisons of legal work in different cities and countries, strategies for networking and landing jobs, and information about particular fields such as immigration, international environmental law, and labor law.
From Finals to the Firm: The Top Ten Things New Associates Should Know (Calvin H. Gladney & Raymond Millien, 2018) (available on campus or with a West Academic account)
A concise guide to developing yourself professionally coming out of law school, including finding a strong mentor, creating your own opportunities, bringing new perspectives to the team, and building the consummate professional persona.
Law Jobs: The Complete Guide (Andrew J. McClung et. al, 2019) (West Academic login required)
Find answers to big questions facing legal professionals: transactional work or litigation? Big law or not? Public interest or private law? Attorney work or JD Advantage jobs? Criminal or civil? Stay in academe? This resource gives you a look at the pros and cons to consider. Also available on West Academic (available on campus or with a West Academic account).
A Short & Happy Guide to Being a Lawyer (Kenney F. Hegland & Paul D. Bennett, 2021)
A primer on essential skills for employment such as client interviewing, counseling, negotiating, and legal writing, as well as courtroom skills such as preparing witnesses, cross-examination, and making objections. Also available on West Academic (available on campus or with a West Academic account).
Thriving in the Legal Profession: Three Pillars of Success (Pamela Bucy Pierson et. al,, 2018) (available on campus or with a West Academic account)
A short primer on keeping yourself happy and successful as an attorney, from handling your emotions, finances, and professional skills in a changing legal market.
Bloomberg News (Bloomberg Law login required)
The latest updates along with commentary from practitioners on particular areas of law, featuring video reports and podcasts to help you brush up on the particular field you are pursuing.
Law 360 (Available on campus or through ASURITE)
Legal news from around the nation along with emphasis on the legal industry, high-profile practice areas and policy issues such as access to justice to keep conversations flowing during interviews or networking events.
NALP Directory of Legal Employers
The NALP Directory of Legal Employers is a free resource for information on law firms, government agencies, public interest organizations, and corporations, including lawyer demographics, practice areas, compensation and benefits, and diversity and inclusion practices.
Summaries of activity at the high court along with previews of forthcoming cases and sessions, along with commentary on the court and its impact on various legal regimes. Decisions that impact your particular career focus can be a conversation starter during an interview.
Westlaw News (Westlaw login required)
Legal updates from around the world along with highlights pertaining to certain practice areas in the Practitioner Insights Analysis section. You can browse blogs, news services, and topics to make sure you’re up to date on interview day.