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Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law (COL) Students
Bloomberg Law Bankruptcy Practice Center (Bloomberg Law password required)
The Bankruptcy Practice Center includes links for practical guidance; laws, rules, and court opinions; dockets; books and journals; and current events and analysis.
Westlaw Bankruptcy Resources (Westlaw password required)
Main page from which to search for bankruptcy content, including cases, statutes, regulations, and analysis.
Westlaw Practical Law: Bankruptcy & Restructuring (Westlaw password required)
Resources include toolkits, practice notes, and checklists.
Lexis Bankruptcy Law (Lexis password required)
Main page from which to search for bankruptcy content, including cases, statutes, regulations, and news.
Lexis Practical Guidance: Bankruptcy (Lexis password required)
Topic-specific resource kits include practice notes and checklists.
VitalLaw Bankruptcy Practice Area Page (Available on campus or with ASURITE credentials)
This Practice Page in the VitalLaw database contains news stories about Bankruptcy Court decisions and provides access to the Bankruptcy Law Reporter, which includes Bankruptcy Court decisions, laws and regulations related to bankruptcy, the Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, copies of Bankruptcy Court forms, and more.
American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI)
The American Bankruptcy Institute website provides useful information for the bankruptcy practitioner. Some information is only available to members of the institute. It also includes statistics and the latest news about bankruptcy. There are links to the latest bankruptcy legislation as well as to bankruptcy rules and the bankruptcy code.
United States Courts - Bankruptcy
This page of the United States Courts website provides information about bankruptcy proceedings. The site includes a "Bankruptcy Basics" section which explains the differences among the most common types of bankruptcy filings, a glossary of bankruptcy terms, bankruptcy forms, pending changes to bankruptcy forms, and the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure. The site also includes Bankruptcy Filings Statistics.
United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona
This is the website for the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona. The site includes online help, resources and filing instructions. Includes local rules, filing fees, orders, a link to PACER, and forms and publications. It includes Judges' information, transcript order procedure, and court calendars.
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
"Bankruptcy: What Happens When Public Companies Go Bankrupt" is a publication on the SEC's website. It discusses differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcies.
United States Department of Justice, United States Trustee Program
This is the webpage for the United States Trustee Program of the United States Department of Justice. It provides links to trustee locations, bankruptcy reform information, and statistics. It includes general information about the US bankruptcy system and current developments in the area, and also provides information about credit counseling and debtor education.
IRS Bankruptcy Tax Guide
This resource provides a wealth of information from the IRS regarding compliance with the Bankruptcy Code tax requirements. It has information on the tax implications of Chapter 7, 11, 12 and 13 bankruptcy filings.