ACLU of Arizona
The ACLU of Arizona defends individual rights in Arizona through litigation, legislation, and public education.
Arizona Asian American Association
This association's goal is to enhance unity, bring awareness to the public of cultural diversity, and address relevant issues, thereby strengthen the relationship between Asian Americans and the community at large.
Black Lives Matter Phoenix Metro
Black Lives Matter Phoenix Metro is a "Black, Queer, and Femme led organization, that centers Black people who are the most impacted and marginalized."
Chicanos Por La Causa
Chicanos Por La Causa was founded in 1969 to confront oppression facing Latinos in Phoenix as part of the movement led by Cesar Chavez. They are one of the largest Hispanic nonprofits in the country, promoting stronger and healthier communities throughout the southwestern United States. Their community presence spans a comprehensive range of bilingual and bi-cultural services in Health & Human Services, Housing, Education, and Economic Development.
City of Phoenix Community Involvement
Learn about opportunities to become involved in Block Watch, the Phoenix Police Reserve Program, a city Board and Commission, and other volunteer opportunities in city government.
LUCHA - Living United for Change in Arizona
LUCHA is an organization that fights for social, racial, and economic transformation in Arizona’s communities.
Native American Connections
Established in 1972, Native American Connections works to improve the lives of individuals and families by providing shelter, affordable housing, and culturally competent healing to the Native American community.
Native American Disability Law Center
The Law Center's mission is to advocate for the rights of Native Americans with disabilities in the Four Corners area. This private nonprofit works to ensure that Native Americans with disabilities have access to justice and are empowered and equal members of their communities and nations.
Phoenix Indian Center
Formed in 1947, the Center is the primary resource of employment, education, cultural enrichment and community engagement for urban American Indians residing in Maricopa County.
Phoenix Police Department's Community Engagement Bureau
A central hub for citywide community engagement. CEB routinely works with personnel from all seven precincts to enhance the quality of life for the residents of Phoenix.
Puenta Arizona
The Puente Human Rights Movement is a grassroots migrant justice organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. They develop, educate, and empower migrant communities to protect and defend families themselves.
Tucson Indian Center
The mission of the Tucson Indian Center is to lead, serve, empower and advocate for the Tucson urban American Indian Community and others, by providing culturally appropriate wellness and social services.
Valley Interfaith Project
Valley Interfaith Project (VIP) is a broad based, non-partisan organization committed to building relational power through organizing people for sustainable social and economic improvement. VIP members are institutions: dues-paying member congregations, schools, unions and non-profits.
ARTICLE: Phoenix City Council Approves First Civilian Review Board of Police Conduct