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Arizona Law

Primary Sources

Secondary Sources

The History and a Comparative Study of the Constitutions of the Arizona Territorial Government and the State of Arizona (Jack Galvin, Arizona State University, 1952)

Arizona Town Hall (5th) Revision of Arizona's Constitution (Arizona State University, 1964)

A Guide to the Arizona Constitution, 2nd ed. (Bruce B. Mason et al., Cross Plains Publishers, 1985)
Contains brief, section-by-section analyses of the Arizona constitution.

Understanding the Arizona Constitution, 2nd ed. (Toni McClory, University of Arizona Press, 2010)

The Arizona State Constitution, 2nd ed. (John D. Leshy, Oxford University Press, 2013)
This title provides an account of Arizona's constitutional evolution and a provision-by-provision commentary of the state constitution.

The Arizona State Law Journal and the Arizona Law Review regularly publish in-depth articles concerning the Arizona Constitution. Impeachment, judicial recall, taxation, tort reform, the Corporation Commission, gubernatorial power, the right to die, and agency are among the topics included in the pages of these journals. Consult the periodical indexes for citations to these articles. Better yet, browse through the indices to the law reviews from 1977 to the present.

Gordon Bakken, The Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910, 1978 Ariz. St. L.J. 1 (1978)
This article describes the interplay among opposing political forces at the Arizona Constitutional Convention and highlights the issues that dominated the Convention. By delineating the ideas of its framers, the article provides practical guidance to analysis of the Constitution itself.

John D. Leshy, The Making of the Arizona Constitution, 20 Ariz. St. L.J. 1 (1988)
This paper provides historical background and analysis of the crafting of the Arizona Constitution at the Constitutional Convention in 1910, which went into effect on the admission of Arizona to statehood in 1912. Still in effect, as amended, the document reflects many principles of the Progressive Movement, which was at its zenith in 1910.

Documents Leading to Arizona Statehood (Arizona State Library, Archives, & Public Records)
This resource provides information on the various documents that influenced and led to Arizona's statehood.

State of Arizona Constitution Timeline (Arizona State Library, Archives, & Public Records)
A timeline of major events leading to the establishment of Arizona's state constitution.