There are a number of treatises in the Law Library collection related to administrative law. You can search for relevant books in the ASU Library catalog by using the subject headings “administrative law” and “regulations.”
Administrative Law Treatise (Kristin E. Hickman & Richard Pierce, 2024)
This three-volume title published by Wolters Kluwer is recognized as the leading treatise in administrative law. It provides guidance on the administrative law governing a broad variety of topics as well as insight into agency power and procedure.
Administrative Law (Jacob A. Stein & Glenn A. Mitchell, Basil J. Mezines, current - Lexis password required)
This regularly updated treatise, available on Lexis, provides an analysis of all aspects of administrative law and the administrative process.
Administrative Law and Practice (Richard Murphy & Charles H. Koch, Jr., current - Westlaw password required)
Administrative Law and Practice is a treatise, available on Westlaw, that provides advice, techniques, and tips on the procedures necessary for engaging federal and state agencies in all avenues of regulated conduct.
Federal Administrative Procedure Sourcebook (American Bar Association and Administrative Conference of the United States, last updated August 2023)
The Federal Administrative Procedure Sourcebook is a joint online publication by the Administrative Conference of the United States and the American Bar Association’s Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice. It is a regularly-updated and annotated compilation of the key legal sources governing nearly every aspect of administrative procedure. It provides an overview of the major laws governing administrative procedure and offers access to statutory text, legislative history, agency regulations, guidance documents, law review articles, and other sources of relevant information.
Hornbook Treatises: Administrative Law (Alfred C. Aman, Jr., Landyn William Rookard, William T. Mayton, 2023, available on campus, remotely with ASURITE, or with an ASU West Academic account)
This treatise provides a comprehensively updated analysis of administrative law in the United States, placing special emphasis on topics undergoing significant evolution or transformation in the Supreme Court and federal courts of appeals.
Understanding Administrative Law (Kristin E. Hickman, 2022)
This treatise in the Understanding series is designed to help the reader grasp the fundamental concepts of administrative law. It addresses the role of administrative agencies in our system of government, the process of administrative decision making, and judicial review of agency action.
Below is a select list of U.S. law journals with a national scope that focus on administrative or regulatory law.
Administrative & Regulatory Law News (Westlaw password required)
This is a quarterly publication from the American Bar Association's Section of Administrative Law, and it provides information from a diversity of viewpoints on developments pertaining to administrative and regulatory law and policy. It is also available on HeinOnline (1974+, on-campus access or remote access with ASURITE) and Westlaw (1994+, Westlaw password required).
Administrative Law Review
The Administrative Law Review is published by American University Washington College of Law students in conjunction with the American Bar Association's Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice. The Journal publishes articles by practicing lawyers, judges, and academics, as well as symposia, conferences, and meetings on current topics in administrative law. Also available on HeinOnline (1949+, on-campus access or remote access with ASURITE), Westlaw (1987+, Westlaw password required), and Lexis (1996+, Lexis password required).
Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary
Pepperdine University School of Law publishes the Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary in collaboration with the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary. The Journal publishes articles written by judges, professors, and lawyers on topics specific to developments affecting the administrative judiciary. Available on HeinOnline (1981+, on-campus access or remotely with ASURITE), Westlaw (2000+, Westlaw password required), and Lexis (1997+, Lexis password required).
Michigan Journal of Environmental and Administrative Law
The Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law publishes articles, student notes, comments, essays, and online blog posts on all aspects of environmental law, as well as administrative law topics that may apply to environmental law. Available on HeinOnline (2012+, on-campus access or remotely with ASURITE), Westlaw (2012+, Westlaw password required), and Lexis (2012+, Lexis password required).
Yale Journal on Regulation
The Yale Journal on Regulation publishes in-depth scholarly articles by professors and legal practitioners twice a year on a rich array of topics including antitrust, bankruptcy, corporate law, energy, the environment, financial regulation, health care, information technology, tax, telecommunications, and utilities. Available on HeinOnline (1983+, on-campus access or remotely with ASURITE) and Westlaw (1984+, Westlaw password required).
U.S. Administrative Law eJournal
This eJournal, operated by SSRN (formerly the Social Science Research Network), publishes early-stage research articles on administrative law before they are submitted for official publication in academic journals. Use this eJournal to find the most up-to-date academic scholarship about recent developments in the field of administrative law.
Administrative Law Blog: Notice & Comment, Yale Journal on Regulation
This is a joint blog between the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice and the Yale Journal on Regulation. Content covers a wide variety of regulatory topics, including administrative law generally, financial regulation, corporate law, environmental law, bankruptcy law, and tax law.
Comparative Administrative Law Blog, Yale Law School
The Comparative Administrative Law Blog from Yale Law School publishes lists of new scholarship on administrative law and regulation from around the world.
Harvard Law Review Administrative Law Blog
This webpage of the Harvard Law Review publishes essays, articles, and notes about recent administrative law decisions and issues.
Jotwell - Administrative Law
Jotwell features brief law professor reviews of recent scholarly articles; this is the site location for articles specific to administrative law.
The Regulatory Review
The Regulatory Review is an online source of regulatory news, analysis, and opinion housed at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Review content is published every weekday and it features work contributed by law student staff members, scholars, judges, attorneys, and others interested in regulatory developments. Administrative Law News Page
This page contains news coverage and analysis of administrative law for legal professionals.
A Hard Look
This podcast by the ABA's Administrative Law Review, covers recent events in administrative law, regulatory policy, and the critiques and praise of various regulations and their efficacy. It can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and several other platforms.
Gray Matters
This podcast of the C. Boyden Gray Center for the Study of the Administrative State at Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University, focuses on the issues being debated around the modern administrative state. It can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and several other platforms.
HeinOnline: U.S. Federal Agency Documents Decisions, and Appeals (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
This database features reports, decisions, records, and the official case law of the most important U.S. federal agencies.
Lexis: Administrative Law (Lexis password required)
Lexis provides a central location for administrative law materials on its platform through this page, offering access to cases, administrative codes, and administrative decisions.
ProQuest Regulatory Insight (available on campus or remotely with ASURITE)
This ProQuest database provides access to administrative law histories organized by public law number and allows you to locate all regulatory actions associated with a specific CFR part or U.S. Code section. It also has Federal Register documents available for 1977+ and the Code of Federal Regulations for 1991+.