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Keeping Current

How to use journal alerts, RSS feeds, saved searches, and more to receive updates in your areas of interest.

ASU Library One Search

Users who are logged in with their ASU credentials can save their searches, including filters, by clicking on the pushpin icon entitled "Save query" at the top of the search results. You can access your saved searches by clicking on the pushpin icon at the very top of the screen, then by clicking on the SAVED SEARCHES tab. In this tab, you can set an alert for the search by clicking on the bell icon to the right of the search. This will notify you of any changes to the search results. Alternatively, you can set an RSS for the search by clicking on the RSS feed icon to the left of the bell icon. Learn about RSS on the RSS Feeds page of this research guide.

Watch this video explaining how to set up alerts.


HeinOnline is the most important resource you've never heard of. It archives current and historical legal content, including nearly comprehensive access to law reviews and journals, historical primary law, current and historical regulatory provisions, classic treatises, and international materials. Most documents are presented in PDF format, retaining original graphic elements and pagination.

As part of its service, HeinOnline provides Electronic Table of Contents (eTOC) alerts that will notify you every time a journal you follow publishes a new issue. Go to HeinOnline > MyHein Profile and create a profile (if you haven't already). Go to the Law Journal Library, locate the journal you want to receive, and click "Create eTOC Alert." You are now subscribed.

Watch this video explaining how to set up eTOC alerts.

Users can also set author alerts on HeinOnline in order to follow individual scholars. To set an alert, navigate to the author's profile and click on the bell icon. Click the checkbox for New Content Alert, enter your email address, and click "Set up email alerts." You will now receive an email every time new material appears. You can edit your notifications by going to MyHein Profile > Author Alerts.

Watch this video explaining how to set up author alerts.


Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP)
This resource is a weekly summary of recent articles appearing in approximately 650 journals. It is categorized by subject matter area, thus permitting researchers to easily access scholarship that is most relevant to them. As part of this service, users can set SmartCILP alerts to keep them informed of the latest developments. Go to HeinOnline > MyHein Profile. Create a profile (if you haven't already), click on SmartCILP Portal, select the topics, subjects, or journals you want to receive, and click Create/Update.

Users can have search alerts sent to them from any EBSCO database. Click on the "Share" button at the top of the search results page, then click "E-Mail Alert." Alerts can be customized depending on frequency and format. Detailed instructions can be found here.

Google Scholar
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. To set an alert, click on the menu button (the three horizontal lines at the top left corner of the page), click on "Alerts," then click CREATE ALERT. Enter search terms, ensure that your email address is correct, then click CREATE ALERT again. You will now receive an email every time new material appears.

Users can have search alerts sent to them from any ProQuest database. Click on the "Save search/alert" button at the top of the search results page, then click "Create alert." Alerts can be customized depending on frequency and recipient. Detailed instructions can be found here.

Users can have search alerts sent to them from any ScienceDirect database. Click on the bell icon entitled "Set search alert" to the left of the search results, then follow the prompts. Alerts can be customized depending on frequency. Detailed instructions can be found here.

Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
SSRN is an open access collection of working papers, accepted papers, published papers, and conference papers. SSRN contains abstracts of these papers and, in many cases, permits downloading the full text as a PDF. While you cannot set search alerts on SSRN, you can set author alerts. Go to SSRN and navigate to the author's profile. Click on the RSS icon. You will be directed to a new page asking you which reader you want to use. Select your preferred reader and click "Follow." You are now subscribed.

Learn about RSS on the RSS Feeds page of this research guide.